What awaits the Royal Family in 2024? A psychic answers

As 2023 comes to a close, many choose to look back but it is also the chance to look forward. This is what this psychic has done for the Royal Family. Let’s see what they have to say…

2024 predictions for Royal Family
© Samir Hussein / GETTY IMAGES
2024 predictions for Royal Family

2023 has been a whirlwind for the Royal Family as this year forced every member to settle into their new role following Queen Elizabeth’s death in 2022. 2023 was also the year this new order became official through the coronation of King Charles III.

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Moreover, this year, with all its changes, has been a favourable ground for even more rumours to emerge about the Royal Family and their members. At the top of the list we naturally find the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

For instance, over the summer it was rumoured that they would join the family at Balmoral, in November rumours about a birthday reunion between father and son emerged and in December, more rumours about a Christmas reunion but this time at Sandringham. Of course none of these things actually happened and there might be a simple reason: they were not predicted by a psychic!

What will happen to King Charles in 2024?

In a chat with The Sun's Fabulous,Sally Morgan the ‘UK’s best-loved psychic’ has made her predictions for the Royal Family known. First on the list is of course the King.

According to Morgan, 2024 will see the monarch suffer from a little health scare. She explains:

In May/June 2024 there will be a slight health hiccup with the king. (...) We will learn that the king has spent a night in hospital during this time.

The psychic also alleged that this will mean that Prince William, the heir to the throne, will be taking on more responsibility as his father faces difficulties.

The Prince and Princess of Wales in 2024

According to Sally Morgan, 2024 is going to be a ‘wholesome’ year for the Princess of Wales who will be stepping into her role even more. She states:

Kate thoroughly enjoys 2024 as she becomes more involved in her charity work, encouraging the regular person in the street to join her in giving to those less fortunate.

That is something that Kate Middleton has already planted a seed for in 2023 as we observed a shift in her work and appearance since becoming the Queen-in-waiting. The psychic continues and explains that the Princess will also work around more personal issues.

I can also see her talking about her personal experience with migraines and doing some work supporting a migraine charity of some sort.

Concerning the Prince of Wales, it appears he will have to step up as his father will face health issues. But that isn't all. In her predictions the psychic sees an accident.

William will injure his left arm and wrist and it will take many months to heal. Polo accident?

Concerning the Prince and Princess’ children, 2024 will be a fabulous year for them with their personalities shining through. However, a surprise will happen concerning Prince George, the future King. Morgan claims:

Prince George makes it very obvious at a very important occasion that he doesn’t want to be there.

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle and the rest of the family

Even if you haven’t been keeping up with Royal Family news you probably are aware that Prince Harry and his wife are not on good terms with the rest of the family. Since moving to North America at the end of 2019 the couple has been revealing many unflattering things about the Royal Family.

Though in 2023, after the publication of Prince Harry’s book Spare, the couple vowed to no longer speak about the Firm, tensions continued. Indeed, royal biographer Omid Scobie released Endgame. In the Dutch translation an ‘error’ was made revealing the name of the royal who allegedly questioned the skin tone of Prince Archie.

Since then, any hope for a happy end to 2023 for the Sussexes reuniting with the Royal Family was crushed. So what will happen with that in 2024? According to Morgan, things are going to continue being difficult on that end. Indeed, she claims that the Princess of Wales is refusing to bury the hatchet.

Kate will tell William that she has no intention of healing the rift with Megan.

The psychic explains that this will put Prince William in a sticky position.

Prince William will hear from his brother Prince Harry in 2024 and William will struggle to fend him off as the wife’s continue to be at war.

Finally, the woman ‘senses’ that ‘the King will reach out to Harry in 2024.’ Not everything is lost!

We will see what the future brings but count on us to keep an eye out for any of these predictions!

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