Missing French teen: Lina, 15, was seen in a car with a stranger, a witness describes the driver

This Monday, October 2, 2023, RTL revealed the testimony of a man who saw young Lina in a car on the day she disappeared.

Missing French teen Lina, 15, was seen in a car with a stranger, a witness describes the driver
© Gendarmerie
Missing French teen Lina, 15, was seen in a car with a stranger, a witness describes the driver

It is a testimony that could help the investigation. On Saturday September 23, Lina, a 15-year-old teenager, disappeared on her way to the Plaine train station in the Bas-Rhin region of France, to catch a train to Strasbourg to meet her boyfriend Tao. It was the young man who raised the alarm when he realized she hadn't arrived. Since then, an active search has been underway.

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Lina's parents, her best friend Zoé, and Tao, her boyfriend, spoke to the media. Lina's boyfriend gave an interview to French TV:

I called her mother before the train arrived in Strasbourg to report something abnormal.

An interview on TF1 sparked off strong reactions on social networks, with some people directly suspecting him of being involved in his girlfriend's disappearance.

The witness knows Lina

On Sunday October 1, the status of the investigation was changed. From a worrying disappearance, the public prosecutor announced that the criminal hypothesis was now being seriously considered. Two investigating judges have been assigned to the case.

The following day, RTL media revealed its interview with a witness who claimed to have seen Lina at the time of her disappearance. Robert, a local resident who knows the teenager, said he saw her in a dark-colored vehicle, in the company of a man, at the time she vanished.

Read more:Missing French teen: Another 14-year-old girl was approached by odd man days before Lina disappeared

She was in a car with a man

According to Robert speaking to RTL, he saw young Lina drive past his house in a car with a man aged between '20 and 40'. The witness knows the girl.

I saw Lina, she waved as she passed, in a dark car. She had a normal attitude, as I've always known her. She didn't look worried, didn't make any signs of distress or anything.

Then he added:

I saw the driver with a slight goatee. Now, whether it was fake or real, I don't know. It was the first time I'd seen this gentleman. Between the ages of 20 and 40, it's hard to tell in passing.

Read more:Missing French teen: One of Lina's friends claims to have received disturbing text messages

This article has been translated from Oh!MyMag FR.

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Missing French teen: Lina, 15, declared missing as her parents launch a call for witnesses Missing French teen: Lina, 15, declared missing as her parents launch a call for witnesses