Missing French teen: Lina's neighbours say they now 'live in fear' of another tragedy

Lina, 15, disappeared on September 23 between her home and the railway station in her town, La Plaine.

missing french teen Lina fear
© Gendarmerie
missing french teen Lina fear

But where has Lina gone? It's a question that never ceases to puzzle not only the investigators, but also the inhabitants of her village, La Plaine.

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Concerned residents

Lina, aged 15, has been missing since September 23. After searches of ponds and the testimony of several people who claim to have seen the teenager only a few minutes before she disappeared, the investigators are still making no progress.

In the town of Plaine, life is gradually returning to normal. Journalists and investigators are less present on the field, and the town's inhabitants are trying as best as they can to return to normal life. But the disappearance of the young girl continues to worry them for their own safety. As BFM Alsace reports, the villagers 'live in fear'. Since the terrible tragedy, parents have been systematically dropping off and looking for their children at school and school bus stops. Others explain that they are suspicious as soon as an unfamiliar face or car is spotted.

Read more:Missing French teen: Lina's best friend, Mélina, speaks out for the first time

Lina in a car with a relative?

Since the start of the investigation, many of those close to Lina have given evidence, most recently Mélina, her childhood best friend, who talked about the teenager. Mélina claims that Lina would never get into a car with someone she didn't know.

Another witness claims to have seen Lina in a car with a young man that day. He described the young man:

As they passed by, he turned his head. I'd say it was a dark-haired boy with a small beard or goatee.

While no culprit has been found, many people suspect Tao, her boyfriend, in the story. For the moment, there is no evidence against him.

Read more:Missing French teen: This is why the police seized Lina's boyfriend's phone

This article has been translated from Oh!MyMag FR.

Source used:

BFM Alsace

Missing French teen: Another 14-year-old girl was approached by odd man days before Lina disappeared Missing French teen: Another 14-year-old girl was approached by odd man days before Lina disappeared