Missing French teen: Expert claims 'there is still hope' of finding Lina alive

Ten days after Lina's disappearance, there is 'still hope of finding her alive. At least that's what François Daoust, former director of the French Gendarmerie (IRCGN), thinks.

Expert claims 'there is still hope' of finding missing French teen Lina alive
© Gendarmerie
Expert claims 'there is still hope' of finding missing French teen Lina alive

Days go by, and 15-year-old Lina remains nowhere to be found. A painful situation for those close to her, whose lives were turned upside down on September 23, the day she disappeared. This Sunday 1 October, the investigation took a new turn, that of 'kidnapping or confinement for more than seven days'.

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The public prosecutor in Strasbourg, where the investigation has been referred, is now clearly considering the criminal hypothesis. The latter is planning 'long-term investigations'. And while it is difficult to remain positive for the teenager's relatives, for the former director of the IRCGN, there is still hope.

'There's always hope'

Lina's disappearance echoes that of 2-year-old Émile, who disappeared on July 8. Nearly 4 months later, the investigation into the boy's disappearance is still at a standstill, and those close to the teenager fear the same scenario.

François Daoust was interviewed on RTL this Tuesday, 3 October, and for him, we must not give up.

There's always a hope that it's a runaway or that she's been kidnapped, which means we'll find her.

These statements are in line with the investigation, since to date, no lead has been favored.

We're holding on to that hope, but the worry is there for everyone, the investigators first.

Read more:Missing French teen: One of Lina's friends is convinced she is 'with someone she knows'

Investigation is at a standstill

François Daoust explains:

On site, we searched for days for traces on the road, next to it... Nothing was found. All hypotheses are on the table, and none should be neglected.

For those close to Lina, if there's one lead to rule out, it's that the teenager got into a stranger's car. One of her friends spoke to BFMTV:

She wouldn't get into a stranger's car, even if he offered to drive her all the way to Strasbourg. She would rather take the train instead, since she knows the risks.

Read more:Missing French teen: Another 14-year-old girl was approached by odd man days before Lina disappeared

This article has been translated from Oh!MyMag FR.

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