Man who was declared brain-dead for three days reveals what he saw in the 'afterlife'

This man was declared brain-dead for three days before coming back to life reveals what he felt as he travelled to 'the other side'.

man declared brain-dead three days come back to life afterlife death
© Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 / Warner Bros.
man declared brain-dead three days come back to life afterlife death

Death is a fascinating topic for humans. We often want to know what happens right before, during, and especially after we leave our bodies. While there is no scientific proof yet on the subject of the 'afterlife', some people claim to know what awaits us after death. Indeed, some patients are declared dead before returning to their bodies and 'coming back to life'. Such was the case for this man, who resuscitated after three days.

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Vincent Tolman died in 2002

In January 2002, a man named Vincent Tolman, from Texas, died while he was at a restaurant in Utah. He was found unconscious on a bathroom floor. He told Insider:

I died on the bathroom floor of a Utah Dairy Cream on a cold night in January 2002.

After taking some 'dodgy supplement' they had bought online, Vincent and his friend went into the restaurant, feeling poorly and hoping that eating some food would help them feel better.

Instead, I started to feel extremely nauseous, so I locked myself into a bathroom cubicle. Suddenly, an ice-cold chill came over my body, rushing over my thighs and into my chest. Then the world began to spin.

He then collapsed onto the bathroom floor and explains that he had an out-of-body experience. Indeed, he told Insider:

I was looking down at myself from above. The world felt like it had no ceiling, and I watched, calmly, as paramedics rushed into the bathroom and worked over the body.

He went to 'the other side'

Unfortunately, the medical team was unable to resuscitate him in the bathroom and he was taken to an ambulance in a 'bright yellow body bag'. Medics finally felt his pulse after forty-five minutes, and gave him CPR and oxygen. Once he arrived at the hospital, Vincent spent three days in a coma and doctors declared him brain-dead. He explains to Insider:

In those three days, I believe I traveled to 'the other side'. I was met with feelings of love and saw divine beauty, all of which I describe in my book.
But I knew, deep down inside that it was not my time yet. So three days later, I opened my eyes in the hospital. Physically, I was completely fine. I was even described as a 'miracle' by my neurologist.

Because of this experience, Vincent Tolman explains that he is no longer afraid of dying, and he now feels more peaceful in his everyday life.

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Sources used:

Unilad: Man who was brain dead for three days and came back to life reveals what he saw on 'the other side'

Business Insider: I came back to life after being zipped up in a body bag for 45 minutes. I'm no longer afraid of dying.

Man who died for 7 minutes reveals what he saw in the afterlife and how he escaped death Man who died for 7 minutes reveals what he saw in the afterlife and how he escaped death