Here's what gives you the biggest 'ick' in love, according to your zodiac sign

When it comes to love, there are bound to be things that repulse you more than anything else. You should know that this could be due to your astrological sign.

love relationships zodiac astrology ick repel
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love relationships zodiac astrology ick repel

Love, that mysterious force that binds people together, can sometimes be complex. Each zodiac sign has its own particular likes and dislikes when it comes to relationships. Find out what turns you off more than anything else when it comes to love, according to your zodiac sign.

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1. Aries

Slowness. Aries, you need things to move. Uncompromising, you have no patience with the weak-kneed.

2. Taurus

The mess. You value your comfort, and can't stand a room being turned upside down. So, Taureans, a messy companion is not for you!

3. Gemini

Jealousy. You don't want to feel shackled. You want to be free to move around and be with others as you please. If your partner doesn't understand that, too bad for them. Geminis, your need for freedom comes first!

4. Cancer

Distance. You like to share your emotions with the other person, and you don't take it well when they remain indifferent. For Cancereans, true love is experienced by two people.

5. Leo

Indifference. You need to be admired and noticed. And even more so in your partner's eyes. Leos, if you don't feel appreciated, you'll tend to get bored, and look for that recognition elsewhere.

6. Virgo

Procrastination. You're a straightforward person, and you're only as serene as your organization. So of course, Virgos, you expect the same from your partner.

7. Libra

Letting yourself go. Image is very important to you, as it is to your partner. A sloppy style, and your desire evaporates instantly. Libras, you look good, so you want your partner to look good too!

8. Scorpio

Incessant chatter. You feel that everyone should keep a certain amount of mystery, and it's a shame if there's nothing left to discover in the other person... Scorpios, people who talk too much aren't for you.

9. Sagittarius

Indecision. Sagittarians, you like your partner to be bold and take charge.

10. Capricorn

Being late. In your opinion, it's a blatant lack of respect that you don't let pass. And while it may not seem like a big deal to some, it's not to you, Capricorns!

11. Aquarius

The old-school spirit. Traditional bread is all very well, but when it comes to love, you need originality. Aquarians, people who are too monotonous don't thrill you enough.

12. Pisces

Vulgarity. Pisceans, there's nothing that puts you off more than vulgar language, and a lack of manners.

Understanding what repels each astrological sign can help build more harmonious relationships. Keep in mind that astrology offers generalizations and that each individual is unique. True love often transcends these astrological preferences, but it can be fun to consider these characteristics to better understand love dynamics.

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This article has been translated from Oh!MyMag FR.

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