Eproctophilia, the surprising sexual fetish that involves farts

Eproctophilia belongs to the large family of paraphilias: deviant sexual practices. This one will amaze you!

Eproctophilia sexual fart fetish
© Fleabag / Two Brothers Pictures
Eproctophilia sexual fart fetish

It's no secret that some people have more or less surprising sexual fetishes. And, of course, sexual preferences can seem strange to those who don't share the same passions. This time, we're looking at a sexual flatulence fetish. And in case you were wondering, this is the normal number of times someone should fart in a day. Now, let's get into what we call it when these farts turn someone on.

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Eproctophiles get hot under the collar when it comes to flatulence - it just does it for them. While farting may be considered shameful in our collective imagination, there are those who find it sexy when these little bursts of gas are emitted by their partner.

Smell and noise

Eproctophilia enthusiasts not only have a fetish for the smell of flatulence, but also for the noise it makes.

A British doctor, Mark Griffiths, studied the case of a patient with a tendency towards this type of sexual arousal. The 22-year-old said he was aroused 'by the smell and sound of farts'. He was then more precise, stating that he was not aroused by flatulence but 'by the person who emits it'.

The fart: a fascination

Farts have always fascinated people. In Japan, during the Edo period (circa 1600), an illustrated scroll by an unknown author was found, showing a battle between two groups of Japanese men... fighting with their powerful farts.

What is fetishism?

Fetishism is a sexual practice involving intense sexual attraction to a specific object, body part or material. For many people, fetishes are a normal and healthy part of theirsex life, but they often remain misunderstood.

A fetish is a non-sexual object or item that becomes sexually stimulating for a person. These sexual prefernces can vary enormously from person to person. Some are attracted to leather objects, feet, underwear, shoes, or even ghosts. Fetishes can manifest themselves in a variety of ways, including fantasies, role-playing or erotic scenarios.

This article has been translated from Oh!MyMag FR.

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Sources used:

APA PsychNet: Eproctophilia in a young adult male

Historic Mysteries: Japanese Fart Battles: Kicking up a Stink

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