Emmanuel Macron: This is how much the French president earns

While he has been President of the French Republic since May 14, 2017, Emmanuel Macron nonetheless earns the same salary as his Prime Minister, who is now Gabriel Attal.

Emmanuel Macron French president earn fortune wealth money
© Pier Marco Tacca / Getty Images
Emmanuel Macron French president earn fortune wealth money

In the world of French politics, questions about the remuneration of senior civil servants are often controversial. With the recent promotion of Gabriel Attal to the office of Prime Minister, the spotlight has turned to the question of presidential salary. Indeed, Emmanuel Macron was elected President of the Republic on May 14, 2017 at just 39 years of age, before being re-elected for a second term on April 24, 2022.

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It was in 2016, that the husband of Brigitte Macron, whom he married on October 20, 2007, founded and took over the presidency of his own political movement, christened 'En marche' (EM). Indeed, in 2014, still unknown to the general public at the time, Emmanuel Macron was appointed Minister of the Economy, Industry and the Digital Economy.

The salary of the President of the Republic

The salary of the President of the French Republic is a subject of much attention and curiosity. According to Decree no. 2012-983 of August 23, 2012, President Macron's gross monthly salary is calculated on the basis of the average of the highest and lowest salaries received by senior civil servants. At present, this amount is 1.4 times this average, or 15,900 euros gross per month. To this sum must be added a residence allowance, representing 3% of the salary, and a function allowance, equal to 25% of the sum of the salary and the residence allowance.

Gabriel Attal's recent promotion

On January 9, Gabriel Attal succeeded Elisabeth Borne as Prime Minister. Although he is not yet President, he will receive the same salary as Emmanuel Macron, i.e. 15,900 euros gross per month. This promotion represents a significant increase on his salary as minister, delegate or full minister, which stood at 10,647 euros gross per month. Having been elected less than a month ago, Gabriel Attal should soon be drawing his first salary as Prime Minister.

Prime Minister's benefits

In addition to his salary, Gabriel Attal will receive a number of non-monetary benefits. As Prime Minister, he will be allocated two residences. The first is the emblematic Hôtel de Matignon, located rue de Varenne in the VIIᵉ arrondissement of Paris. In addition to this, a second home, the Château de Souzy-la-Briche in Essonne, will also be made available to him.

Representation expenses for ministers, including those of the Prime Minister, are a crucial aspect to consider. According to a reply from former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, these expenses are covered by the State, provided they are 'directly linked to the exercise of ministerial functions'. This includes the costs of organizing receptions, official events, awards ceremonies, press briefings and travel expenses. However, expenses of a personal or family nature incurred by members of the government are not covered.

Figures that divide

The salaries of senior civil servants, particularly those of the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister, are therefore of considerable interest. As Gabriel Attal assumes his new role with emoluments equivalent to those of President Macron, it is crucial to understand the various benefits and responsibilities that accompany these positions. Transparency on these matters helps to fuel public debate on the remuneration of political leaders in France. Indeed, this is a divisive issue among the French, many of whom feel that the salaries of ministers, or civil servants in general, are too high.

Read more:

Emmanuel Macron: Who is the French President's sister Estelle?

Emmanuel Macron's mother talks about her mature daughter-in-law Brigitte Macron

Brigitte Macron: The French First Lady opens up about the wardrobe faux pas that made her change her style

This article has been translated from Oh!MyMag FR.

Source : Capital

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