The ‘complainer’ and other toxic workplace personalities to be aware of

Every office has its share of bad apples and identifying them will keep you safe.

The ‘complainer’ and other toxic workplace personalities to be aware of
© Getty/ killerb10
The ‘complainer’ and other toxic workplace personalities to be aware of

You may be a saint who sees the good in everyone, but there’ll always be that one person in your office that rubs you the wrong. If you haven’t met any, just give it time, they’ll show up. They always do. Here’s how to identify some toxic personalities in the workplace.

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The complainer

The dream is to be in a job that you love, but honestly, most people work to sustain themselves. They may not like it, but as long as it is getting the bills paid, they are okay. However, there are those who find a reason to whine about everything, from the faulty coffee maker, to how Steve’s cologne is too repugnant. This type of worker is never satisfied with anything, and would like to pull you down with them. The sooner you can avoid them, the saner you will be.

Getty/ Hinterhaus Productions

The one always making excuses

Just like the complainer, this person is not an enthusiastic worker. They are always looking for ways to avoid doing something. It’s harder if you have to work closely with them. They don’t take responsibility for their actions and decisions and would often leave tasks uncompleted or poor done. These lots can be demoralizing to any team.

The office busybody

We all enjoy the occasional gossip, but there’s always that person who takes it too far. They hey make it their business to know everything about everyone. This type of employee tends to spread rumours and lies, causing disharmony and distrust in the team often times getting others and themselves in trouble. Run from them!

Getty/ Zak Kendal

The know-it-all

There’s nothing wrong with being talented and good at what you do, but when you tend to rub it in people’s faces, you become annoying. These know-it-alls carry themselves like they’re better than everyone else. This a straight-up toxic person you need to avoid like the plague.

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Is your workplace toxic? Here are four signs to look out for Is your workplace toxic? Here are four signs to look out for