Omicron: The tell-tale sign you've caught the Omicron variant

Now that the UK has been battling with the presence of the highly-mutated Omicron variant, experts have revealed the most common symptom of the new strain.

Omicron: This is the tell-tale sign you've caught the Omicron variant
© unsplash/engin akyurt
Omicron: This is the tell-tale sign you've caught the Omicron variant

According to experts in South Africa who have been treating people with the Omicron variant of the coronavirus, having a scratchy throat is a tell-tale sign of infection.

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What are the symptoms of Omicron?

Coupled with other symptoms similar to what is experienced with the common cold, an irritated throat has been observed to be one of the most common symptoms of the latest mutation. Dr Maria Van Kerkhove spoke to the Reuters news agency and said:

In terms of the severity profile, we have seen reports of cases with Omicron that go from mild disease all the way to severe disease. There is some indication that some of the patients are presenting with mild disease, but again it is early days.

Other symptoms that have been associated with the Omicron variant include:

  • Headaches
  • A runny nose
  • A sore threat
  • Sneezing

Omicron in the UK today

With the UK having reported its first death related to the new mutation, the government has decided to crackdown on some freedoms Brits were beginning to re-acclimate to. As it stands currently, face masks have been reimposed in crowded spaces such as in public transport and schools.

Working from home has been reintroduced, and the possibility of adding even more severe restrictions is not off the table. Talks surrounding a possible Plan C have been circulating, which would mean that COVID passports would once more be required to enter pubs and restaurants. As a result of the incredible speed at which the virus is currently multiplying, Boris Johnson has asked Brits to turn to booster jabs for further protection. In a statement, he said:

We already know it is so much more transmissible that a wave of omicron through a population that was not boosted would risk a level of hospitalization that could overwhelm our NHS, and lead, sadly, to very many deaths.
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