Ban on adult-sized sex doll import lifted in South Korea: Here’s what this implies

After much debate around custom laws and privacy of citizens, the government of South Korea has decided to lift the ban on import of sex dolls.

Ban on adult-sized sex doll import lifted in South Korea: Here’s what this implies
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Ban on adult-sized sex doll import lifted in South Korea: Here’s what this implies

Laws and regulation are constantly being challenged due to the introduction of new products or consumer behaviour in society. This is more so evident in the case of laws around prohibition on import of goods which are banned not because they pose an overt safety or biosecurity risk, but due to how they apparently challenge prevailing notions about human dignity or morality.

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As reported by BBC, in a case which exemplifies the above-mentioned contentions, South Korea had previously banned the import of adult-sized sex dolls into the country. But this ban has now been revoked, making such objects legal from a customs point of view. However, any such objects resembling minor are still prohibited.

Sex dolls by themselves are not banned in South Korea but importing them was South China Morning Post

Events leading up to the ruling

Sex dolls by themselves are not banned in South Korea. However, its import into the country was banned by the government under a law that prohibits import of items which could harm the country’s morals and traditions. Under this ruling, since 2018, thousands of sex dolls have been seized by customs authorities.

This ban had raised a lot of questions around government’s interference in the private lives of its citizens. The issue itself has been very contentious, with people on one side opposing the ban, while on the other hand, nearly a quarter million people have signed a petition to stop the import of these dolls.

The latest decision was made after receiving feedback on existing regulation from competent authorities including the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Bloomberg

Lifting of the ban on import of sex dolls

The issue has been laid to rest for the time being by the latest ruling which declares that adult-seized sex dolls would no longer be a prohibited import good.

As per Korea Customs Service, the decision was made after receiving feedback on the current regulation from competent authorities including the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family. The current move means that people can now import adult-sized sex dolls in South Korea, as well as retrieve any such dolls that had been seized by customs.

Sources used:

BBC: ‘South Korea lifts ban on import of adult sex dolls’

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