Coleen Nolan reveals she was rushed to hospital amid heart attack fears: Here are the signs to look out for

ITV Loose Women star Coleen Nolan was rushed to hospital amid fears that she was having a heart attack on TV. Here are some symptoms you need to look for.

Coleen Nolan reveals she was rushed to hospital amid heart attack fears: Here are the signs to look out for
© Jo Hale/Getty_Images
Coleen Nolan reveals she was rushed to hospital amid heart attack fears: Here are the signs to look out for

Coleen Nolan was once rushed to hospital amid fears that she was having a heart attack during her Big Brother stint in 2017. She recently discussed the incident on ITV’s Loose Women and explained that since the symptoms of a heart attack develop differently in women, it was needed for her to be rushed to a hospital.

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Coleen Nolan’s rush to hospital

In 2017, while Coleen was on Celebrity Big Brother, she was rushed to a hospital amid fears that she was having a heart attack on national TV. Opening up about the health scare on Monday’s Loose Women panel, she said:

I woke up terrible, terrible chest pains the day before the final. I thought it was heartburn but the chest pains were really bad and I was shaking.
They called me into the Diary Room and they called a paramedic and they did two ECGs and they were fine.

She added that since the symptoms of a heart attack develop differently in women, show bosses thought it was necessary to call an ambulance and took her to the hospital. She was ultimately given an ‘all clear’ sign by the doctors, confirmed Birmingham Live.

How do heart attack symptoms develop in women?

Women’s and Men’s body differs a lot more than people realise. There are certain symptoms of heart attack in women, that can easily be confused with any other disease. The most common symptom is still chest pain or discomfort but there’s more for it in women. According to the American Heart Association, if you have the following symptoms you should rush to the hospital:

  • Uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain in the centre of your chest that is recurring every few minutes
  • Pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach
  • Shortness of breath that comes with or without chest discomfort.
  • Other signs such as breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or lightheadedness.

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Sources Used

Birmingham Live: ITV Loose Women star was rushed to hospital amid fears of heart attack on live TV

American Heart Association: Heart Attack Symptoms in Women

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