These 3 signs of the zodiac are always late and it's unbearable

Are you more of a punctual type or the type to have to rush to work? Find out which team you're on according to your astrological sign.

These 3 signs of the zodiac are always late and it's unbearable
© Alice au Pays des Merveilles
These 3 signs of the zodiac are always late and it's unbearable

There are people who love being late... Punctuality ? They have no idea what that is! Here are the three astrological signs that are never on time.

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3. Pisces

You are one of the signs that is constantly late, Pisces. You daydream and you forget important appointments. This is also due to your great indecision. You hesitate to take the bus or the car, between your black pants or your gray skirt... Certainly, your imagination and your intuition are beautiful qualities, but sometimes, it is necessary to know how to be realistic!

Zodiac signs that are always late  Agê Barros

2. Gemini

Geminis, you have a tendency to spread yourself thin, and therefore you have difficulty managing your time. It's not your fault that you're interested in a thousand and one things... But as you know, curiosity is a bad habit. So make an effort to reorganize your schedule and give priority to your daily tasks. Besides, you look at life with philosophy and spirit. Luck is often on your side, so you are never late by much... But enough to annoy those around you!

1. Aries

The medal for being the person who is always late to everything goes to the zodiac sign (drum roll please...) Aries! Is there a day in the year when you are on time? This fire sign loves to make everyone wait so that they can make a grand entrance, but still... Think of your poor friends, this is not cool!

In the top 5, we also find Taurus and Leo... Punctuality is not really your thing. You both have a tendency to procrastinate, and you don't see the clock ticking...

Disclaimer: This article is to be taken with a pinch of salt (and not too seriously).

This article has been translated from Oh!MyMag FR.

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