This Outraged Mother Wants Sleeping Beauty To Be BANNED From Schools

In England, a mother of two wants to ban the ‘Sleeping Beauty’ story from schools, since she believes that it sets a bad example when it comes to sexual consent.

This Outraged Mother Wants Sleeping Beauty To Be BANNED From Schools
This Outraged Mother Wants Sleeping Beauty To Be BANNED From Schools

Sarah Hall, a mother of two, has been creating a buzz since posting this on Twitter with a photo from ‘The Sleeping Beauty’: ‘Tell you what, while we are still seeing narratives like this in school, we are never going to change ingrained attitudes to sexual behaviour.’ Sexual harassment is something everyone has been talking about since the launch of the #metoo movement, and this mother believes that this particular fairy tale is inappropriate for youngsters.

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A tale not suitable for young children

The problem with this tale is that it tells the story of a prince kissing a princess without her consent. She explained her views more fully to The Daily Mail: ‘My son is only 6 years old, he absorbs everything he sees, and it's not like I can have a constructive conversation [with him].’ She does admit that ‘I don’t think that all the “Sleeping Beauty” books should be removed from circulation. I think it's a good resource for older children, you can have a conversation around [the book], you can talk about consent, and how the Princess feels.’

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