What is beauty sleep and how to get better at it?

Ever wonder why people ask you to get your beauty sleep when you look tired? We got you covered!

What is beauty sleep and how to get better at it?
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What is beauty sleep and how to get better at it?

We do so much for the skin to look great. From following different skincare routines to using all the latest skincare products just to get that extra glow on your skin and a flawless texture. However, the answer to the perfect skin isn’t in any products but in getting your beauty sleep? Yes, you read it right. Beauty Sleep may sound like a cliché but, there’s a lot of truth in it.

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Beauty sleep essentially means getting a good night’s sleep. That is, an ideal 7-9 hours of sleep, so you wake up with a refreshed, glowing skin. Sleep is an essential element for the wellness of the body, mind and soul. But why? Let’s find out!


Importance of beauty sleep

A lot of research and science is put behind the concept of beauty sleep. Sleep is when some of our most important epidermal and internal recoveries take place. While sleeping, our body replenishes its organs and tissues. It produces growth hormones that create new cells, which help our skin to heal from any damage. It also removes dead cells and other toxins built up in the skin by providing essential nutrients.

Lack of sleep causes the body to break down. You wake up with skin imbalances, wrinkles, dehydration, puffy eyes and even breakouts. Makeup may mask these woes temporarily but, it’s no long-term solution. Lack of sleep also releases stress hormones which affect our immunity. Thus, a good night’s sleep is not just needed for your outer beauty but inner health as well.


How to get your beauty sleep?

Beauty sleep is not just about the quantity of sleep it is also about the sleep quality. Quality sleep of even six hours can benefit your skin better than sleeping for long periods. To get your beauty sleep:

Sleep on your back

While the most comfortable position to sleep is on the sides, it is not recommended. Side sleeping causes premature ageing as it allows the pillows and blankets to pull on your skin and cause wrinkles. Sleeping on your back is the best way to avoid this.

Wash and moisturise your face before bed

Cleansing your face each night is more important than in the morning. This removes remnants of any products used, extra oil or dirt. Whereas moisturising helps keep your skin hydrated through the night.

Follow a bedtime routine

Establishing a bedtime routine allows your body to develop a natural sleep cycle. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day to get a perfect sleep rhythm, even during weekends and holidays!

Ditch electronics

Electronic items emit blue light that delays the release of melatonin and keeps you awake for long. Replace your nighttime scrolling with reading for better sleep.

Create a zen sleeping environment

Organise your room in a way that sends signals to your body to sleep. Invest in a good mattress and pillowcases, switch off the lights, keep the temperature low, wear earplugs to restrict outside noises and silk eye masks to completely eliminate light.

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