Subtle signs that your relationship is set to fail

A red flag does not become a red flag overnight, there are enough signs or ‘pink flags’ leading up to the main event. A dating expert reveals them all.

According to an expert, these are the subtle signs that your relationship is set to fail
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According to an expert, these are the subtle signs that your relationship is set to fail

Singles have become pickier about whom they want to invest time in romantically. As such, people have been more concerned about the ‘pink flags’ that could eventually become red flags. British relationship expert and founder of Wingman Tina Wilson talks about a few signs that could mean your relationship is not long-term. She claims:

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With so many couples breaking up during the first lockdown and realizing that they didn't even like each other, it’s highlighted the fact that we really need to choose wisely who we spend our time with.
Daters are smarter than ever and less tolerant or willing to compromise than pre-pandemic so hyper-vigilance around who you could couple up with is at an all-time high.

Here is a list of signs you need to look out for to prevent yourself from heartache.

No pictures together

While it is entirely alright if your new partner does not like taking pictures, make sure the rule does not only apply to you. Meaning, if their feed is filled with photos and none features you, they are hiding your existence from their followers.

Being cookie-jarred

Being Cookie-jarred basically means your love interest is keeping you just as an option with all the other people they are possibly dating. It could be a pink flag, if things are going well for you and still you guys haven’t had ‘the talk’ about the relationship. Needless to say, it is a total red flag if you actually get to know you two are not exclusive, and they have options.

Are you being love-bombed?

Love bombing is when your partner showers you with gifts and affection obsessively. If it happens initially in the relationship, it could be a pink flag that things have become too romantic too soon. However, often people disappear after love bombing for a while and then come back again. It is similar to ghosting, but definitely a red flag you need to look out for.

They are ‘pocketing’ you

Meaning, your partner is keeping you in their pocket until they are sure they want a serious relationship with you. So, if you are dating them for a few months, but they have not yet introduced you to their friends, it might be a pink flag in this department. On the other hand, if you have introduced them to your friends and family, and they still have reciprocated the action, that’s definitely a red flag.

Is your relationship 'slow-fading’

Slow Fade is when your relationship slowly starts fading out the communication. If your calls, texts and meetings have become less frequent than before, it could be that your relationship is potentially entering the ghosting phase. Whereas, it is a total red flag if you are the only one making the effort to see them or talk to them.

Are you watching too much TV?

It’s great to watch a couple of shows together, but if your relationship is all about binge-watching Netflix series, your relationship might be on the rocks. Further, even when you go out if your conversations revolve around TV, your relationship is heading for disaster.

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