Strut safe: The hotline app that makes night walks back home 'much safer'

Feeling unsafe during your late night walks back home? You need to download this app if you're in the UK.

Strut safe: hotline app for women's safety
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Strut safe: hotline app for women's safety

Strut Safe is a hotline number, which can be accessed by anyone in the UK. The organization was founded in the aftermath of Sarah Everard's killing with the goal of protecting women, POC, and queer people on their trips home.

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For the time being, the creators are hoping to get the phone number into the hands of everyone who might need it.

Strut Safe

Strut safe

Currently, it is operating in Edinburgh, but anyone in the UK can use the telephone number to speak on the phone and feel safe. Alice Jackson, co-founder of Strut Safe, says:

When you call our number, you know someone’s going to answer, and you know that someone’s going to be there in [real] time to go through it with you.

Read more:

How to use it

Use Strut Safe app

Every week, on Fridays, Saturdays, Strut Safe is open from 7 p.m. until 3 a.m. On Sundays, the hotline is open from 7 p.m. until 1 a.m.

The app further lets you use their calling service that will surely accompany you on your walk home. They even have employed trained and background-checked volunteers who will ensure safety. Why should you use it? Well, Alice explains:

Especially in the climate we’re living in right now, I think people look to grassroots organisations like Strut Safe and Sisters Uncut instead because [they] see people who care so much about these issues that they’re either putting it all on the line or they’re actually trying to do something tangible and put something practical and structural in place.

Strut Safe is a phonecall away. Call at:

0333 335 0026 ☎️ UK-wide phone service dedicated to helping anyone who needs us get home safely.
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