After Filming George Floyd's Murder, Darnella Frazier is Facing Abuse Online

Darnella, the young woman who filmed George Floyd's murder, has been harassed and highly criticised ever since the tragic accident. Despite filming the scene to help shed light upon police brutality, some people have instead found reasons to berate her. More after the jump.

After Filming George Floyd's Murder, Darnella Frazier is Facing Abuse Online
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After Filming George Floyd's Murder, Darnella Frazier is Facing Abuse Online

On May 25, 17-year-old Darnella found herself on the front lines of George Floyd's horrific murder in Minneapolis. Following an investigation carried out at the request of the family, the results confirmed that George Floyd died of 'asphyxiation from sustained pressure.' Since then, riots have shaken the whole world, denouncing police violence and racism.

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Behind the video that has spread around the world is a teenage girl who has been scorned, insulted, and hurt since her shocking footage went viral. The young woman, who is in shock, has had to justify herself several times.

I took my phone out to get some footage. He was lying on the ground and he couldn't fucking breathe. He kept saying he couldn't breathe. And I was right there next to him. It was traumatic.

According to TMZ, Darnella is now facing brutal verbal attacks from people online. She explained in a Facebook post why she filmed the scene but didn't step in:

I’m doing it for clout?? For attention?? What ?? To get paid ?? Now y’all just sound dumb and ignorant!! (...).MIND YOU I am a minor ! 17 years old, of course I’m not about to fight off a cop I’m SCARED wtf. I don’t give 2 f*cks about what y’all would’ve did because was y’all there ?? NO. (...) If it wasn’t for me 4 cops would’ve still had their jobs and the police most definitely would’ve swept it under the rug with a cover up story. Instead of bashing me, THANK ME! Because that could’ve been one of your loved ones and you would want to see the truth as well.

According to TMZ, her lawyer, Seth B. Cobin, said that the teenager is getting help to get through this difficult time:

It's not an easy story to tell. You're going back to that place in your head and that's not an easy way to go back. It was emotional for her to recount her story, and for all of us to hear it.

To be continued...

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