Gimber: Your go-to winter cocktail for health and vitality

Discover Gimber, a healthy and delicious winter cocktail with ginger and lemon. Boost your health and end 2023 right.

© Lindsay Cotter / UNSPLASH

Are you looking for a new, healthy, delicious, and powerful beverageto end 2023 more motivated than ever? Then we have exactly what you've been looking for! Gimber is the perfect beverage to pamper your body and help you get rid of those superfluous pounds. Here's everything you need to know!

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Gimber: winter wellness in a glass

Gimber is a drink made of ginger, cane sugar, et lemon juice. This beverage is very popular in Africa. It is prominently found in Ivory Coast and in Congo under the name Gnamankoudji or Tangawisi. It's also a drink consumed during Ramadan.

To make it a detox drink, you can swap out the cane sugar for healthier alternatives such as:

  • coconut sugar
  • agave syrup
  • honey
  • date syrup

A health-boosting cocktail

This salubrious drink is brimming with healthy ingredients. Indeed, ginger and lemon are well known for their numerous qualities, and help to boost your body, your immune system, and your weight loss.


  • is a potent antibiotic and antiviral agent
  • it boosts the immune system thanks to the vitamin C is has in plenty
  • it aids digestion
  • it drains the liver and eliminates toxins


  • is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
  • it boosts the digestive system
  • it is good for the heart
  • helps you fight against exhaustion
  • lowers blood sugar

Combined, lemon and ginger make for a very healthy and cleansing cocktail, very good at boosting you natural immunities and eliminating toxins.

How to make a Gimber

  • 200 g of fresh ginger
  • 4 yellow lemons
  • 2 tbsp of honey
  • 1L of warm or cold water

Method 1:

  1. Peel the ginger and lemons
  2. Extract the juice from the ginger and lemons with an extractor.
  3. Mix the juice with the water and honey.

Method 2:

  1. Peel the ginger.
  2. Cut the lemons into slices along with the ginger.
  3. Mix everything with water and honey then let it infuse overnight.
  4. Strain, and it's done!

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