Five toxic foods if not prepared correctly

Eating well is essential to stay in good health, but sometimes it's a good idea to avoid certain potentially toxic foods. Allow us to tell you which ones.

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While most foods are nutritionally rich and beneficial for your health, some can be quite dangerous. Many edible products can even become toxic if not prepared properly. Here are five of them.

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Peanuts can usually be found as a bar snack, or they can be used for cooking international dishes such as pad thai or chicken in Satay sauce. However, many people are sensitive to them. In fact, 1% of the population is allergic to groundnuts, of which the peanut is the seed. Allergic reactions such as swelling of the lips and throat or nausea cause many deaths every year.

It is important to read the ingredients of any food you eat. The presence of peanuts is always indicated.


As we all know, not all mushrooms belong in an omelette. There are more than 100,000 species of mushrooms, but very few of them can be eaten. Most mushrooms are poisonous and can cause serious illness or death. It is essential to know how to identify the mushrooms you collect in the forest with the help of a guide, even though some of them look the same. The best way to eat mushrooms safely is to go to a doctor or pharmacist and have them take a look.

Some of the most common edible mushrooms include:

  • Porcini mushrooms
  • Button mushrooms
  • Chanterelles
  • Shaggy mane mushrooms
  • Parasol mushrooms
  • Morels
  • Field mushrooms
  • Truffles
  • Oyster mushrooms


This Latin American or African tuber is nutritionally rich, and it is very easy to digest as it is rich in fibre as well. It is ideal for fighting constipation or diarrhoea. It is also an excellent natural appetite suppressant.

However, if not cooked properly, cassava can be your worst enemy. When it is raw, it contains an enzyme that contains cyanide. To remove it, soak the cassava, dry it, and then cook it.


Delicious in a pie, crumble, or jam, rhubarb is a very popular fruit in the kitchen. However, it is important to bear in mind that only the stems are edible. Rhubarb leaves contain large quantities of oxalic acid. They can cause infections and even coma in the most serious cases.

The leaves should not be eaten. However, you can use them for decoration or compost, especially if you have calcareous soil. They are also very effective in keeping insects away, especially aphids.


Elderberries have become increasingly popular in recent years. They can be found in some drink and dessert recipes, providing a sweet and flowery flavour and adding a touch of originality. But beware, elderberries can be toxic if eaten raw and cause vomiting and diarrhoea. When cooked, the toxic substance disappears.

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