Zodiac: These are the most sensual Venus signs

Everyone has their own style of showing their love and exploring their sensuality—and things are often the spiciest with these Venus placements!

Zodiac: These are the most sensual Venus signs
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Zodiac: These are the most sensual Venus signs

Your Venus sign tells you the way you love, find pleasure, and handle money. It also gives you insight into what your spending habits are like, what and who you’re attracted to, and the kind of allure you exude, says Cosmopolitan. Some Venus signs are undoubtedly much more in touch with their physical senses—and it shows in the way they interact with their romantic partners or potential flames.

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These are the most sensual Venus signs:


Ruled by Venus itself, this placement magnifies the planet’s attributes even more: they’re incredibly sensual, have a high sex drive, and they love to cuddle, notes Cosmopolitan. They’re inlove with love and want to build a nice, cosy relationship with their special someone. As an earth placement, they value stability and security, so they want to be very clear about the dynamic of the relationship, making them a little protective. Additionally, they are intensely physical lovers, so they’re always touching you one way or another!

Zodiac: These are the most sensual Venus signs The Harder They Fall (2021) / Overbrook Entertainment


Also ruled by Venus, they have huge heart eyes for the game of love, says Cosmopolitan. Flirting is in their DNA, but don’t write them off as a one-dimensional tease—they’re gentle, affectionate lovers that want to live out their dream romance. This placement emphasizes Libra’s inclination for harmony and balance, which can come at odds with the messiness of real life. Still, they’re adoring partners that want to shower you with cuddles and kisses.


There’s an undeniable magnetism in this placement, as they’ve got a hardwired sexuality and a drive to create an intense relationship with others, observes Cosmopolitan. They crave intimacy, both physical and intellectual, so they can be pretty obsessive with their partners. They’re especially loyal lovers that are in touch with their sensuality, so there are a lot of fireworks to be expected with a Venus in Scorpio!

Source used:

Cosmopolitan, “What Your Venus Sign Says About Your Relationships (and Why You Shouldn’t Freak Out if Your Sun Signs Clash)”

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