Vladimir Putin has a bizarre way of paying families of servicemen fighting in Ukraine

The newest enticement for military recruitment in Russia, by having your family compensated with fish or other type of food, is stark reminder of the country’s poverty.

The fishy payment Putin is offering to the families of servicemen fighting in Ukraine
© Contributor / Contributeur
The fishy payment Putin is offering to the families of servicemen fighting in Ukraine

The Times reports about the new bizarre payment method that Russian authorities are relying on to entice and compensate the families of servicemen that enlist for the Ukraine war.

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Compensation with fish

Russian enlistment officers are providing various food as a way to make it much more attractive for men to enlist for the Ukraine war.

The Times reports that in the far-eastern Sakhalin island of the Tuva region in Siberia, the local chief of Vladimir Putin’s party, Mikhail Shuvalov, has been offering fish as way to induce men to get recruited for the Ukraine War.

The offer includes 5kg of flounder, pollock and salmon in exchange for sending their men to a war which is believed to have already cost the lives of 50,000 Russian soldiers.

Striking reminder of the poverty in Russia

The news comes after similar reports of other regions providing food as a form of bribery and compensation and is a stark reminder of the grave poverty that exists in Russia.

The fishy payment Putin is offering to the families of servicemen fighting in Ukraine Bloomberg/Contributeur

The Times cited the Russian political analyst, Anton Barbashin, who concurs that this is an indication of Russian poverty.

We take your husband and youget to eat for a few weeks, that’s a true indication of poverty officials want everyone to forget.

A previous similar scheme in Tuva, had families receive ‘one sheep, coal, 50kg of flour and two bags of potatoes for each family member dispatched to the front’ The Times reports.

Daily Mail, lists multiple regions that have offered similar food compensations, and most often the package includes: ‘sacks of potatoes, flour, cabbage, firewood and coal, alongside their sheep’.

Sources used:

-The Times: ‘Floundering Putin pays recruits’ families in fish’

-Daily Mail: ‘Lambs to the slaughter: Families of Russian men being called up to fight Putin's Ukraine war are being bribed with a SHEEP each’

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