Millions Of Giant Spiders Could Invade Your Homes Soon

Get ready for it...the number of giant spiders you see at home may be increasing! Large male house spiders are getting ready to breed in homes in preparation of the cold winter months. We're going to be honest but the giant house spiders look completely terrifying and can measure a size of 120mm! Watch our video to learn more about this home invasion and tell us what you think.

Millions Of Giant Spiders Could Invade Your Homes Soon
Millions Of Giant Spiders Could Invade Your Homes Soon

The Details

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According to the British Archanological Society (BAS), 'This is the time of year when large house spiders are often seen running across carpets or become trapped in baths and sinks. When a male finds a female that is soon to moult to maturity he moves into her retreat and stays close by, guarding her until she is adult'. The society also informed people that the spiders aren't dangerous despite their size. That's not too reassuring is it?

How can you prevent them from getting into your house? Try the following solutions: keep your house clean and don't leave any food lying around, keep your windows shut or invest in a window screen protector, purchase plants that repel spiders such as lavender or peppermint, and seal all the crakcs on your doors and windows.

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