Family devastated as their cat is killed by fireworks, find out how to keep them safe

Thousands of animals across the country get affected by fireworks each year. It’s more important than ever for pet owners to know how to keep their pets safe. Sadly, this beloved cat became the first known victim of Bonfire Night rehearsals this year.

Owner’s heartbreak as a family cat is killed by firework ahead of Bonfire night
© Photo by Daria Shatova on Unsplash
Owner’s heartbreak as a family cat is killed by firework ahead of Bonfire night

Domino was found dead in her garden and became the first known victim of fireworks this year. The RSPCA is urging those holding celebrations to consider animals over the next few days.

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This beloved cat’s tragic and stomach-turning death proves the importance of safety measures to protect our four-legged friends.

A tragic scene

Domino’s owner was left heartbroken after she found her beloved pet’s remains scattered all over her garden in Moorhouse Road, Harrow. The nature of her injuries proves that she was killed by a firework.


Domino’s fur had been singed and burned, and a fragment of one of her paws was missing. Her head was off. The ribs were no longer part of her deformed body.

The owner found firework plastic shrapnel pellets in her garden. A firework rocket and stick were later discovered in the neighbour’s yard.


The family have been left shocked and devastated by the cruelty towards their beloved cat and described her as sweet, loving and skittish - as well as extremely beautiful and a much-loved family pet.

Her owner said that on Monday night, at around 10.30 pm, she and a neighbour recalled hearing the sound of a firework and something similar to a scream. The RSPCA launched an investigation.

Inspector Simon Hoggett in charge of the case said:

I am shocked and appalled by what has happened to poor Domino and my heart goes out to her poor owner and family.

How to keep your pet safe this Bonfire night

New stats have shown almost two-thirds (63%) of animal owners reported that their pet appeared distressed during firework season.

The RSPCA is calling for the UK Government to introduce tighter controls and regulations around the sale and use of fireworks in its #BangOutOfOrder campaign. The charity aims to help both animals and people who suffer from fireworks phobias and noise aversion.

How can you keep your pet safe this Bonfire night?

Create a ‘safe heaven’

Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

Before the fireworks season starts, provide your pet with a 'safe haven'. This should be a quiet area, so choose one of the quietest rooms in your home. Don't interfere with your pet when they're in that area. Train them to associate the place with positive experiences, e.g. by leaving their favourite toys there, but don't impose yourself at any time.

Play classical music

69% of UK adults with a pet take at least one measure to help relax or prepare their animal for firework season. Playing relaxing music is the most common.

The RSPCA partnered up with Classic FM's pet classics and recommends turning to them this Bonfire night.

Cover the basics

Photo by Pixabay on

Walk your dog during daylight hours to avoid times when fireworks are likely to be set off.

Move your dog to the 'safe haven' each evening before the fireworks begin. Blackout the place, so they can't see any flashes outside.

Provide toys and other things that they enjoy in the safe haven. Close windows and curtains to muffle the sound of fireworks.

Put on music or TV to mask the sounds of the fireworks. Ignore the fireworks noises yourself.

You could also talk to your vet about pheromone diffusers. These disperse calming chemicals into the room and may be a good option if you have a stressed dog. In some cases, your vet may even prescribe medication.

To support the RSPCA and learn more about their vital animal welfare work, please visit their website.

Sources used:

The RSPCA'Pets and fireworks'

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