These are the snootiest zodiac signs

Steer clear of these haughty signs—they love acting like they’re better than you.

These are the snootiest zodiac signs
© All That Heaven Allows (1955) / Universal-International
These are the snootiest zodiac signs

No matter how you live your life or where you are, it’s impossible to avoid people who always think they’re above everyone else. They think they’re too good for popular movies, mainstream music, and won’t let you forget all the “celebrities” they know by name-dropping them at every opportunity—but they’ll never tell you that their interactions consisted of a brief half-second glance. Their superiority complex can get especially grating—but can their haughtiness be explained by their birth chart?

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Here are the snootiest zodiac signs:


As the rebel of the zodiac, this sign is so individualistic that they often go against the grain—and thus discover obscure hot spots, music, food, and films before they become popular. They pride themselves in being cultured, which often translates to being hipster, as they are fiercely protective of their “discoveries” and want everyone to know that they found them first. According to BestLife, Aquarians often exude a hipper-than-thou atmosphere, and they’ll prove it by oh-so-casually talking about the latest up-and-coming indie band, book, or figure that most people have yet to hear of.

These are the snootiest zodiac signs Knives Out (2019) / MRC, T-Street


This methodical taskmaster sign is especially particular about how they do things—it’s typically either their way or the highway. They have an elegant, refined sense of what is appropriate and acceptable and what isn’t, says Bustle, which explains their perfectionist tendencies and how they expect the same high standard from everything and everyone else. “Mediocre” is a dirty word to them.


Even though Libra is famously flirtatious and charming, this sign can rear its ugly side at you when they feel like they have to prove they’re cool enough—even to strangers! Their shadow side reveals a superficial, vapid, and inconsistent people pleaser, remarks BestLife, who will do anything to make sure you know they’re in the know. As a lover of aesthetics, they take pride in having good taste, so they can get especially venomous when you imply that they don’t know what they’re talking about.

Source used:

BestLife,“The Snootiest Zodiac Sign, According to Astrologers”

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