These are the most obedient zodiac signs

Need someone to boss around? These zodiac signs will do your every bidding.

These are the most obedient zodiac signs
© Babe (1995) / Kennedy Miller Productions
These are the most obedient zodiac signs

It can be fun to take charge and call the shots, as you’ll get to see your ideas bloom into fruition. It takes a team to make all of this happen, which means you need to find people who are willing to follow your lead. Though a lot of attention is often paid to leaders and initiators, the followers are just as important—without them, most ideas would simply stay ideas! They’re comfortable listening to instructions and prefer other people making decisions, which can be both an advantage and a detriment, depending on the situation.

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These are the most obedient zodiac signs:


Taurus loves living in luxury, and to them, making decisions is a burden they don’t want to bear. They’d be happy to offload this responsibility to other people, especially since it means they won’t be accountable if anything goes wrong, says PinkVilla. As long as they can go on unbothered and have a clear set of instructions to follow, they’re good to go!

These are the most obedient zodiac signs Dogtooth (2009) / Boo Productions


Libras are natural people pleasers so that means they’re most eager to do whatever is asked of them. They’ll happily admit to their passiveness, especially since it maintains the harmony they work so hard to keep. Plus, being obedient means currying more favour with certain people, and all a Libra wants is to be loved. However, that often means they’re bad at reinforcing their boundaries, which can lead to a number of other problems.


Cancer loves taking care of their friends, so they’ll be happy to help them out and run some errands for them. They’re also incredibly sweet and sentimental, which means they shy away from being assertive. They have no problems following someone else’s lead, especially if it’s what they really want—all a Cancer wants to do is support their loved ones!

Source used:

PinkVilla, “THESE 4 zodiac signs are submissive and docile

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