Tarot pulls for the zodiac signs: What the week of 26 December has in store for you

This is what the universe wants you to know this week, according to the tarot card we pulled for you.

Tarot pulls for the zodiac signs: What the week of 26 December has in store for you
© Manik Roy / UNSPLASH
Tarot pulls for the zodiac signs: What the week of 26 December has in store for you

We’re now well into Capricorn season, so you may have noticed things slowing down considerably. As we’re on the heels of a new moon in Capricorn, you’re called to reflect more deeply on what you want to bring into the new year and what definitely needs to be left behind.

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Here is what you need to know for the week of 26 December:

Aries – Temperance

Moderation is key in all things, Aries. Though the holiday season calls for a lot of indulgences—eating delicious food, drinking tasty holiday beverages, and shirking responsibilities to spend time with loved ones, it’s important not to lose sight of the steps you’ve been taking toward your goals. Balance is crucial.

Taurus – VI of Swords

Don’t let yourself get trapped by thoughts of the past. You can’t change what’s happened, and your habit of being obsessed with what’s hurt you prevents you from moving on to the beautiful things meant for you. Don’t trap yourself in pain; the future is exciting and waiting for you to welcome it.

Gemini – Knight of Wands

As the moon has begun to peek through—the best time to manifest during a new moon—it’s time to take action on your plans. Your ideas are on the brink of fruition, but be careful not to be unrealistic or reckless about making them come to life.

Cancer – VI of Wands

It’s not just the holidays you’re celebrating, Cancer. You’ve accomplished some amazing things in the past 12 months, so it’s essential to recognize the sacrifices you’ve made to enjoy the success that you have now. You might even get some public recognition for it!

Leo – IX of Pentacles

Now is the time to rest on your laurels and revel in luxury—one of your favorite things to do! You’re in for a significant period of emotional security and comfort because of all the discipline you exercised to see something through. Enjoy—it’s well-deserved.

Tarot pulls for the zodiac signs: What the week of 26 December has in store for you CA Creative / UNSPLASH

Virgo – X of Cups Reversed

The holidays are a time to get together with your family, catch up on the time missed, and enjoy each other’s company. Unfortunately, that may not have happened, and you’re reeling from the disappointment. You desperately want more harmony in your immediate surroundings, but things aren’t working that way. Don’t blame yourself—though you love controlling every aspect of your life, some people in your vicinity may just be too caught up in their drama to put their swords down.

Libra – The Star

Your desire for peace and stability has finally arrived. You’ve been through hell and back as you were forced to let go of things you were meant to outgrow, and you’re now enjoying an exhilarating rebirth that is bringing you closer to the best version of yourself. You have strong trust in the universe and in yourself right now. This is a wonderful place to be!

Scorpio – X of Pentacles Reversed

You’ve dreamt of achieving financial stability at this point in the year. Though you may have accomplished that in some form, you don’t think you have enough to show for it. Ask yourself what about your expectations that are unfair and unrealistic. Did you actually fail, or are you just expecting too much of yourself?

Sagittarius – IV of Pentacles Reversed

This may be the season of giving, but you’re desperately clinging to material things in fear of losing them. Though it’s important to be financially conservative so you aren’t reckless with your expenses, your deep-seated fear of loss will lead to an over-emphasis on the material, causing you to lose sight of what’s truly essential.

Capricorn – Emperor Reversed

You may feel yourself keeping a tight grip on your affairs this week, and others have noticed—you may have heard them whisper “dictator” under their breath around you. It’s understandable to fear losing control, but most things are outside of your control, anyway. Relax and let things flow.

Aquarius – VII of Swords Reversed

There’s an old habit of yours you’ve been keen on letting go of, and this week, that desire to let go will become stronger than ever. Perhaps you felt called to act a little undesirably in the last few months to survive. Now, you’re better equipped to turn over a new leaf.

Pisces – Queen of Wands

This week, you’ll be filled with a fresh dose of courage and determination to finish your projects, see your plans through, and end the year on a good note. You have the bravery to put yourself out there, as you’re simply radiating with such magnetic light—people have no choice but to do as you say!

Disclaimer: The opinions, beliefs and interpretations presented by the author are their own. All the information in this article is intended for entertainment purposes only.

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