Free horoscope: Here are the predictions for all zodiac signs on 24 December, 2023

Sunday, 24 December, 2023: discover your daily horoscope below! And Merry Christmas!

horoscope zodiac signs december
© Claudio Testa / Unsplash
horoscope zodiac signs december

It's the start of a new week! The stars and their movements will have a greater or lesser impact on each of the zodiac signs today, Sunday, 24 December, 2023. To find out what's in store for you, here's today's horoscope!

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Were you born between March 21 and April 20? Then you're lucky enough to be an Aries, with all that that comes with it! Find out what your day has in store for you.


Your day-to-day life will be supported by the beautiful balance of your relationship, so make the most of it!


Your Olympic form will be the envy of many! You'll be glowing today, thanks to a good night's sleep.


It's time to think about all those reckless purchases and impulse buys that end up at the back of the cupboard. Reason with yourself and stop throwing money down the drain.


You need to learn to call for help! With the afternoon ahead of you, you'll have no choice if you want to avoid being overwhelmed by work.


The sign of Taurus applies to everyone born between April 21 and May 20. Known for being a foodie and very loyal, the sign of Taurus is full of qualities. Here's what's in store for you today.


You're completely committed to your life together, much to your partner's delight.


You're a real time bomb. If you think you can keep up this pace, you haven't got a chance. Your priority: rest.


You're a spendthrift and spur-of-the-moment shopping is your watchword. Beware, this compulsive shopping spree will bring you to the brink of bankruptcy.


You've been comfortable at work recently and you're confident, but you're not really passionate about your current responsibilities, and you're dreaming of a change...


Born between May 21 and June 21? Congratulations, you're a Gemini! We tell you all about what's in store for this zodiac sign today...


Be positive, even if everything seems to be against you at heart. It's often difficult to control your emotions, but today it's essential.


You have a lot to be pleased about: your lifestyle is impeccable and your body is grateful to you for it.


From a financial point of view, you'll feel comfortable and at ease, and you'll finally be able to appreciate the results of your hard work!


The serene environment within your team will enable you to move forward quietly but surely on the issues at hand. Well done, keep at it!


In astrology, Cancer groups together people born between June 22 and July 22. Zoom in on the fourth sign of the zodiac.


Your love life could be described as calm... if not monotonous. Are you really happy with your current situation, or have you simply got used to it?


You haven't been in great shape over the last few days: remember to keep well hydrated, exercise regularly and get enough sleep at night!


No losses and no major cash inflows. In other words, from a financial point of view, there's nothing alarming to report.


Overflowing with dynamism and inventiveness, you have great difficulty with your superiors, which could lead to unpleasant surprises if you don't learn to act with flexibility and diplomacy.


People born in midsummer, between July 23 and August 22, belong to the sun sign Leo. Love, work, fitness and finances, here's today's Leo horoscope...


At heart, it's like a new beginning for you as a couple: the little things in everyday life are wonderful again, and you never tire of being together... Enjoy!


Worried about your health? Not today, because you'll be feeling in great shape.


Your bank account is full thanks to your efforts. You can finally spoil your friends!


Caught being a dilettante at work? Be careful, it could cost you dearly - your colleagues won't do you any favours. Remotivate yourself or risk punishment.


In astrology, Virgo is the zodiac sign for people born between August 23 and September 22. This sign is ruled by the planet Mercury. Let's read what is in store for this earth sign.


On the love front, you're on a roll and your relationship is the envy of many. You and your partner are on the same wavelength!


On the well-being front, you're full of energy! Why not take the opportunity to start a new physical activity?


You're in a comfortable phase as far as money is concerned, and it would be a shame to ruin it all by spending unnecessarily.


If you sometimes have difficulties at work and dream of career development, that won't be the case today.


Born between September 22 and October 23, Libra is one of the air signs. Here's what the astrologers have for Libra in today's horoscope, whether it's for your heart, professional life, fitness or finances!


Superb dating opportunities are on the horizon, so it's time to give in to temptation!


You're not in top form today. That's OK, you're also entitled to be less dynamic than usual!


Financially speaking, you're clearly not rolling in dough these days. It would be a good idea to cut back a little on unnecessary expenses.


Your ties with your colleagues seem to be weakening, but this won't stop you from performing well at work.


The sign of Scorpio groups together people born between October 23 and November 22. Renowned for their loyalty, jealousy and uncompromising character, they can't resist finding out what the stars have in store for them. Love, finances, work, health, here's your daily horoscope!


You and your partner are on the same wavelength, and that makes you feel good.


Don't neglect your health: without it, everything goes wrong. Take time for yourself!


You've made an effort to save and have now achieved financial stability. Don't hesitate to reward yourself for your patience.


You're struggling under the load, the files are multiplying and you'd better stay organised if you don't want to have your head under water.


After Scorpio comes Sagittarius on the zodiac wheel, with dates from November 23 to December 21. Love, work, fitness, money, here's today's horoscope for this star sign.


Your fulfilment will come mainly from your emotional happiness, and you'll be right to invest in it.


Your healthy lifestyle is excellent, which means you're always in great shape.


Be careful with your spending, for the moment everything's fine but you're not immune from a setback.


Make sure you stay focused on your work! A mistake can happen so quickly... If you work in a manual profession in particular, the risk of injury is high.


Born between December 22 and January 20, Capricorn is known for its loyal, organized and sometimes cold character. If you belong to this earth sign, here's today's horoscope for love, money, work and health!


Love will bring lightness to your everyday life and that will do you a lot of good.


Nothing to declare on the health front today! Everything is going well for you.


Stay away from the shops! Given your bank account, you won't be able to afford unnecessary expenditure.


Your energy and morale are a pleasure to see. The fruits of your labours are beginning to pay off, which is good news.


Among the air signs is Aquarius, whose period runs from January 20 to February 19. In terms of your heart, professional life, fitness and money, we reveal your daily horoscope!


Alone, your celibacy is eating away at you, but it's not going to end today. If you're in a relationship, there's nothing special to note!


Your worries could well be the cause of the minor health problems you're experiencing today. A word of advice: relax.


Money-wise, it's no joy. Your bank account is desperately empty, so save a little and start saving: better late than never!


At work, you'll have the opportunity to prove your talents, and you'll be congratulated for it.


Naturally dreamy and gifted with great sensitivity, Pisces brings together all individuals born between February 19 and March 20. Love, work, health, finances - here's what the stars have in store for you in today's horoscope!


You don't ask questions about your relationship and that's fine. You need simplicity right now.


Your friends don't recognise you any more! You're in better shape than ever. What's your secret?


Avoid big, impulsive spending - it's not really the right time.


Although you're not afraid to show what you're capable of, you'll still encounter resistance. Patience, you have everything you need to react positively, so you can concentrate on achieving your projects.

This article has been translated from Oh!MyMag FR.

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