Tarot pulls for the zodiac signs: Here's what the week of 19 December has in store for you

Need some guidance from the universe? This is what they have to say—in the form of your tarot card for the week.

Tarot pulls for the zodiac signs: Here's what the week of 19 December has in store for you
© Edz Norton / UNSPLASH
Tarot pulls for the zodiac signs: Here's what the week of 19 December has in store for you

The holidays are just around the corner, and with that, the Sun will make its graceful exit out of Sagittarius and into Capricorn later this week. With this transit, you may feel the urge to simmer down after a whirlwind few weeks, as Capricorn offers a more temperate, structured feel to Sagittarius’ frenetic energy. Welcome this period of rest—you’ll need it for when the new year comes around.

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Here's what the universe wants you to know for this week:

Aries – III of Hearts

There’s something you’ve been grieving, Aries, whether it’s the loss of an opportunity, a relationship, a loved one, or an ideal you held so close to your heart. Grief manifests in many different forms—don’t punish yourself for feeling sad about something you may think is insignificant. Your feelings are valid, so treat them as such.

Taurus – VI of Swords Reversed

It’s tough when you’re stuck in the past, Taurus. But focusing on what’s done instead of what’s in front of you can make you miss out on all the good, exciting things that are in store for you. It’s easy to refer to what you’ve done before when faced with a new challenge, as you prefer doing what’s tried and tested. However, there’s a reason we move forward and not backward!

Gemini – Page of Cups Reversed

You’re a well of ideas, Gemini, but you keep doubting the uniqueness of what you come up with. Maybe you’re afraid of criticism, but being open to feedback is part of the creative process—take what’s valuable to mold and shape the concept you have in mind so it can be in its best form. This criticism may also be coming from your harshest critic—yourself. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

Cancer – Wheel of Fortune Reversed

This week may not be your best, Cancer, but don’t be afraid—the wheel symbolizes that nothing lasts forever, including the bad and the good. Some unexpected events may come your way, and even when things don’t turn out the way you’d hoped, just remember that whatever is meant for you is already yours. Accept what’s out of your control and start acting on what is.

Leo – The Moon

What are you lying to yourself about, Leo? It’s one thing to hope for something and repeat positive affirmations to yourself, but it’s another to turn a blind eye to the facts and convince yourself that reality isn’t happening. Trust yourself—everything you need is already within you, and you don’t need to look for signs to confirm this.

Virgo – King of Cups

Even though the holidays have been a blur of activity for you, you’re doing a great job in keeping it all together, Virgo. You’re enjoying a good balance in your emotions, which will definitely help navigate whatever holiday craziness may be headed your way. Your friends and family may lean on you this week, even more, to consult you on your wisdom.

Tarot pulls for the zodiac signs: What the week of 19 December has in store for you Soulful Stock / UNSPLASH

Libra – III of Cups

This week will definitely be filled with love and positive vibes, Libra. You’re surrounded by your tight-knit community of friends and family that will eagerly support the exciting ideas that will start to form this week. This is a great opportunity to hang out with your closest friends and enjoy each other’s company—you’ll be making unforgettable memories that will be a crucial part of your identity.

Scorpio – V of Swords Reversed

You may feel like you’ve been hitting a dead end with one of your close ties, a project, or an opportunity, Scorpio. You’re tired of all the negative energy surrounding something that could be so beautiful, and you know that you could channel your efforts into something more worthwhile. Put down your sword—sometimes, it’s better to let go and move on.

Sagittarius – IV of Swords Reversed

Your season is ending this week, and it’s taking a lot of your willpower away from you. Though Sagittarius season is marked by a lot of fun and activity, you’ve put too much of yourself into your commitments, and now it’s time to rest. Take the upcoming opportunities to disconnect from the world and recharge; otherwise, you’re on the fast track to burning out.

Capricorn – The Hanged Man

It’s a time for some more self-reflection, Capricorn. Unexpected pauses in your plans may come your way, forcing you to stop and re-evaluate what you’re doing. Maybe you’re now called to embrace new perspectives to get more efficient results. There’s something new waiting to be discovered, but you’ll need to be deliberate about trying to unearth it.

Aquarius – Page of Swords Reversed

Cat got your tongue, or are you simply afraid to express what you’re truly thinking, Aquarius? You’re known for your unorthodox ways, but lately, you’ve been more afraid of speaking your mind in fear of being judged. If you’re not yet ready to let go of that fear, consider writing it in a journal so that you speak your truth without potentially damaging any relationships.

Pisces – King of Swords Reversed

Your presence may not be the most commanding, but don’t let that stop you from sharing your creative ideas this week. Your steadfast commitment to yourself, your beliefs, and your values will add more depth and emphasis to what you have to say. Still, use your words wisely—you won’t impress anyone by using obscure terms no one will understand.

Disclaimer: The opinions, beliefs and interpretations presented by the author are their own. All the information in this article is intended for entertainment purposes only.

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