Masturbation gap: Study reveals how often men and women really masturbate, and the results will shock you

A study has highlighted the frequency with which men and women indulge in solitary pleasures, and the results will surprise you!

Study reveals how often men and women really masturbate
© Sex Education / Netflix
Study reveals how often men and women really masturbate

Female masturbation has long been a taboo subject, and many women didn't dare talk about it. A study has highlighted the frequency with which men and women indulge in solitary pleasure. So, who's more adept at this practice?

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Masturbation is a natural act, with many hidden benefits. It's a stress-relieving and relaxing practice. Thanks to feel-good hormones, people who indulge in solitary pleasures are much less anxious. While men have always admitted to masturbating, the subject has long been taboo among women. In 1970, only 19% of women admitted to giving themselves pleasure once in a while.

For women

Today, according to a study by IFOP, 74% of 913 French women claim to have masturbated. So mores have changed, and women are increasingly assertive about their sexuality. But what about the frequency of this solitary act? According to a Womanizer survey of 14,500 participants in 17 countries, women masturbated 53 times in 2021, compared with 49 times in 2020.


So there's still a certain gap between men and women, since men masturbate 2.6 times more often than women, echoes Fémina. Unfortunately, this result is not surprising, since in 2021, 18.1% of women who responded to the survey still think that solitary pleasure is taboo. 25.5% of them sees female masturbation as a form of shame.

Read more:How often do people masturbate a week? New study reveals the answer

For men

In 2023, sex toy website Womanizer conducted a study into the average frequency with which men masturbate. An Arcwave survey, conducted in collaboration with Lucid in May 2022 among 22,315 participants from 15 countries (Australia, Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, UK, USA).

Here are the results:

The country where men masturbate the most is the USA, with an average of 167 times a year. In 2nd place is Spain with 164 times a year on average. Canada takes 5th place with 147 times on average, Italy in 7th place with 146 times, and the UK just behind in 8th. And what about French men? They come 10th with an average of 144 times.

Read more:Survey Confirms the Masturbation Gap Is Closing - But What Does That Mean?

This article has been translated from Oh!MyMag FR.

Source used:


Fémina: En 2021, les hommes se masturbent toujours (beaucoup) plus que les femmes

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