Fear of commitment, saving money, freedom... Here are 8 perfectly valid reasons to never get married

Do you want to get married? Maybe after reading this article, you won't want to go through with it at all. We're sorry... or are we?

Fear of commitment, saving money, freedom... Here are 8 perfectly valid reasons to never get married
© Emma / Perfect World Pictures
Fear of commitment, saving money, freedom... Here are 8 perfectly valid reasons to never get married

Maybe you don't want to get married at all, and this will confirm your position. Marriage is a divisive issue within couples: some absolutely want to get married, others want to avoid it at all costs, and sometimes, within couples themselves, there are differences of opinion. We'd like to warn you right away: this article will appeal to the anti-marriage crowd.

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Current and historical reasons

After all, there are plenty of reasons not to get married. Here are eight of the most valid.

  1. Marriage is simply out of fashion:Young people are marrying less, relationships have evolved, and there's probably less commitment involved. What's more, marriage is expensive, so it's not necessarily a priority any more.
  2. You can be in a civil partnership! It's not the same thing as getting married, sure, but it's still a commitment that has its advantages. According to Insee, the number of people in a civil partnership celebrated in the UK increases every year.
  3. Not getting married avoids divorce. It may seem logical, but marriage means divorce in a lot of cases, with all its attendant difficulties and worries. In the UK, there are an estimated 120,000 to 130,000 divorces a year, and just under 50% of married couples end up divorced. Food for thought.
  4. The fourth reason not to put a ring on your finger? You simply don't need to get married to love each other and live together for decades. Marriage doesn't have to be the ultimate commitment it once was. If you love each other, why materialize it with a simple document that can be binding?
  5. This infamous document brings us to the fifth reason. In the not-too-distant past, marriage contracts demeaned women. In the 19th century, English law asserted that a woman's legal identity disappeared once she married a man.

Read more:Watch out! These are the signs that you shouldn't get married

So, are you convinced?

The sixth point is a logical but necessary one: you don't have to be married to have children and raise them properly. In the past, many people preferred to get married before having children, but this idea is not as widespread today. The seventh reason is freedom. You'll feel freer if you're not married. According to a 2010 survey, 24% of single people questioned thought that marriage would be a hindrance to achieving their goals.

And last but not least, not getting married is not synonymous with missing out on life and ending your old age alone or unhappy. So, do you want to get married or not?

Read more:Millions eligible for marriage allowance can claim backdated payments of over £1200

This article has been translated from Oh!MyMag FR.

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