This is what your shopping habits say about your personality

Are you an intuitive shoppers who doesn't require a lot of convincing before buying a product, or a data-driven buyer who will actually read the ingredients?

Here's what your shopping habits reveal about you
© Oscar Wong
Here's what your shopping habits reveal about you

Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and The City once said ‘I like my money right where I can see it, hanging in my closet,’ or in my case, in my pantry.

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Nothing gets me excited as grocery shopping does. I mean, grocery shopping is like an adult capitalist playground where all your senses are stimulated. And how you play in this background can reveal what kind of personality you are.

According to a study done by the Journal of Consumer Research, consumers are either intuitive shoppers who don’t require a lot of convincing before buying a product, or data-driven buyers who will actually read the ingredients. You are what you eat, but you are also what you buy and how you buy it.

On the other hand, there are people who do not enjoy the process of grocery shopping, and in fact, dread it or are scared by it. The latter fall into the group that is called officinaphobia, which is a branch of agoraphobia, which NHS defines as the 'fear of being in situations where escape might be difficult'.

Methodical shopper

If you go to multiple stores crosschecking labels and prices until you get the product you want, you might be a methodical shopper. You are patient, goal-oriented and you make a good employee – to say the least.

The impatient shopper

Let’s face it, shopping is not a fun break time from reality for you, it’s simply a chore that you tend to just get over it. You don’t go to multiple stores and compare products, you grab the first one that suits your needs. You are a pragmatic person that calls for action and hates any kind of stalling.

The impatient shopper d3sign

The loyal shopper

Be it a local market, a family-run shop, or either a specific big brand market, you have one go-to shop and you don’t change it. You have every loyal card, and you’re probably on a first-name basis with the cashier. This means that loyalty is pretty high on your list and you stick to plans.

The thrifty shopper

There’s a specific high when you get products on the best bargain. You follow sales, discounts, and deals. This means that you make a great negotiator and you are very good at persuading people. You are never taken for a fool.

The online shopper

You are either an executive director at a financial district, or you are Gen Z, there’s no in between. Online shopping is quick, easy, and convenient. You are a very practical person who likes to stay in the know with current trends.

The online shopper d3sign

The list shopper

You like lists, and plans, and sticking to lists and plans. With this being said, you make a great leader that inspires the whole team to implement the project to the T. You are very punctual and excellent at planning parties.

The hobby shopper

Your shopping time is sacred. Some people watch Netflix or go to the spa to relax, but not you. You love all the isles equally. This makes you an easily distracted person who is very creative and quite impulsive.

Sources used:

Journal of Consumer Research: 'The Buying Impulse'

Balance and Dizziness Center: 'Fear of Supermarkets'

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