The length of your hair says a lot about your personality

Our hair, and our relationship with it, can often be a journey. Messy day? Messy bun. Cutting someone off of your life? Hair must be chopped as well.

What the length of your hair says about who you are
© Larysa Vdovychenko
What the length of your hair says about who you are

Our hair, and our relationship with it, can often be a journey, to say the least. It literally grows while we grow as a person, until, well, we cut it. Our hair is essentially tied to the way we see ourselves, and the way we want others to perceive us, and this involves a ton of internal hormones that we call emotions. We’ve all been there, from placing too much faith in ourselves with scissors as a teenager, because we were absolutely sure that we could DIY the perfect bangs, to finally learning how to best style our hair based on its colour and texture. It’s a long process involving a lot of experimentation and emotions.

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Long hair

Long hair CoffeeAndMilk

You are likely a free spirit who is creative and likes to express yourself through your appearance. Your middle name is confidence and you are truly comfortable in your own skin. You may also be seen as more feminine or elegant, and very easygoing at the same time. You are not one to adhere to conventions and your creativity is your strong forte. However, your downfall is that you tend to be quite impulsive. Those with long hair are often seen as being creative and expressive. They tend to be more romantic and dreamy, and often enjoy spending time alone in nature or indulging in their favourite hobbies.

Shoulder-length hair

Shoulder-length hair Nicolas Balcazar / EyeEm

You are a go-getter who is independent and capable. You are generally outgoing, and people tend to see you as reliable and trustworthy. Just as your hair length suggests, you are also somewhere in the middle when it comes to personality traits: not too wild, but not too conservative either. People with medium-length hair are often seen as being down-to-earth and easygoing. They usually have a good sense of humour and enjoy spending time with friends and family.

Short hair

Short hair Jose Luis Raota

You are a no-nonsense kind of person who is practical and down-to-earth. You are very efficient and organized, and people tend to see you as competent and capable. Contrary to popular belief, you are also quite reserved and conservative in the sense that you would rather prefer order over chaos. Short-haired people are often seen as independent and strong-willed. They are often low-maintenance and don't need a lot of time or effort to take care of their appearance.

The length of your hair can say a lot about who you are as a person. Whether you keep it short and tidy or let it grow wild and free, the way you style your hair can send a strong message to the world about your personality. So if you're looking for a way to show the world who you are, take a look at your hair. It might just be the perfect place to start.

Disclaimer: The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the author are their own. All the information in this article is intended for entertainment purposes only.

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