1 in 10 people in the UK are living with liver damage, here's how you can tell

Liver damage can occur even without any visible signs. Here's what to look out for.

1 in 10 people in the UK living with liver damage, symptoms
© Tima Miroshnichenko
1 in 10 people in the UK living with liver damage, symptoms

While doctors have warned the public earlier about the rise in rickets and scurvy infections, there are many other worrying public health concerns. One recent one regarding liver damage is particularly disturbing.

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As reported by The Sun, a study by British Liver Trust has found out some shocking facts about the deplorable condition of liver health for most British people.

Apart from this, doctors earlier warned that a common supplement could cause kidney and liver damage. In another surprising findings, research suggests that a common beverage could protect against chronic liver disease.

Many people in the UK afflicted by liver damage

The British Liver Trust scanned 2000 people across 20 high streets in the UK last year. They were not specifically targeting people at risk of getting liver damage.

Yet, the scan threw open some very disturbing finding: 1 in 10 people scanned suffered from liver damage.

The main reasons for liver damage are obesity and heavy drinking. Andrea Piacquadio

Pamela Healy, chief of the charity, is quoted by The Sun saying,

These figures are shocking because our roadshow was not specifically targeting people at risk. It offers a free scan to anyone who happens to be in town.
Therefore liver disease is likely to affect far more people than previously thought.

The main reasons for these shocking statistics are increasing rates of obesity and heavy drinking.

Symptoms of liver damage

As per the Liver Trust, 90 per cent of diseases caused by liver damage are preventable by staying a healthy weight, limiting alcohol intake and treating and preventing hepatitis.

Liver damage can occur even without any visible signs. So it's important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and get regular health checkups.

Some of the symptoms of liver damage according to The Sun are:

  • Tiredness and weakness
  • Itchy skin
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Feeling or being sick
  • Reduced appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Yellow eyes and/or skin, known as jaundice

Ms Healy advises,

Every GP should be finding and testing people who are at risk – those who are overweight and with type 2 diabetes or people who regularly drink too much alcohol.

Read more:

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The serious effect this popular food has on your liver revealed by study

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Sources used:

The Sun: 'Shocking’ new stats reveal 1 in 10 Brits living with liver damage as deaths hit record levels – are you at risk?'

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