This trapped puppy was rescued from dying in the scorching heat after owner left him unattended for hours

This pup was trapped in a hot car while the temperatures outside reached 30°C (85°F). He was likely facing a grim end if not for the NYPD officers.

This is why this pup who was rescued from dying in a scorching heat will never be neglected again
© Photo by Helena Lopes on
This is why this pup who was rescued from dying in a scorching heat will never be neglected again

Too many dogsbecame victims of their reckless owners this summer. Sadly, this pup was no exception. Heartlessly trapped in a car in scorching heat, this extra furry pet wouldn't make it if not for the NYPD officers who saved his life. But they did a lot more than this!

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Trapped in a hot car

According to the NYPD's tweet, some good Samaritans called 911 after noticing an unattended dog locked in a car on the Upper East Side of Manhattan for hours. It was an unusually hot day, and most responsible owners kept their pets at home.

The police immediately responded and discovered a distressed dog inside a hot car with windows shut. The pet had an extra furry coat and was visibly struggling.

NYPD wrote in a follow-up message that when the outside temperatures climb to 30°C (85°F), it only takes 10 mins for the inside of a car to reach a deadly 39°C (102°F).

The rescue

A video clip posted by the NYPD in the aftermath of the rescue shows the officers carefully cracking open the vehicle window. The team freed the distressed pup and provided him with water and treats. He was then taken to the vet.

The force also informed netizens that it was prohibited to leave an animal unattended in a car under such dangerous conditionsThe Epoch Times writes.

Sadly, way too many dogs died in the scorching heat this year. This particular pup was lucky. And you won’t believe what happened to him next!

An unlikely twist

The story got an unexpected twist, as rather than being returned to his reckless owner, the pup was heading for a better future.

After a month under the care of the ASPCA, the lucky pooch was offered a forever home. And guess who became his new owner? It was one of the pup’s rescuers, Officer Maharaj.

NYPD wrote in a tweet:

This pup will never be neglected again.

People were so delighted with this happy ending that the tweet went viral and amassed over 2,000 likes and many comments from netizens.

One of them wrote:

Officer Maharaj is an angel amongst us. Thank you for saving and adopting this fur kid!

Another chimed in:

This is the happiest ending possible for this sweet dog!

Read more:

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