Police were left in shock after four dogs were weighed down and thrown into the pond to die

Police were left ‘infuriated’ and heartbroken after discovering dogs who were deliberately weighed down and thrown in a pond to drown. They are seeking help from the public to find the cruel owners

Police's shock over cruelty after four dogs were weighed down and thrown into the pond to die
© Photo by Jozef Fehér on Pexels.com
Police's shock over cruelty after four dogs were weighed down and thrown into the pond to die

Police in Oklahoma City, US were outraged and devastated after facing yet another ‘terrible case’ of animal cruelty.

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Four dogshad heavy objects tied to their necks and were thrown into the water. The force is now seeking the public’s assistance to nail down the culprits.

‘Killed in a horrible manner’

City police shared a Crime Stoppers video to social media, asking the public for assistance in solving the ’absolutely infuriating’ cases of animal cruelty that took place in Oklahoma City’s Edwards Park.

A total of four dogs were found drowned in a pond. The first three pooches were discovered on January 19. Heartbreakingly, they have been ‘tied to either a cinder block or a brick, something heavy’, to weigh them down, and thrown off the pier.

Master Sergeant Jennifer Wardlow said:

It's a terrible case. The investigators are not certain at this point when they were actually thrown in there, but we do know that they were discovered this past month.

In a voiceover, Wardlow then says that an additional drowned dog was discovered as police were making the video, ‘bringing the total number killed in this horrible manner to four.’

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Sadly, it happened before

The officer goes on to say that investigators had not gotten ‘any good leads’ on the case and hoped that people who live in the area might have noticed something that ‘didn't seem right’ or was ‘suspicious.’

Those with information are urged to submit tips, which can be anonymous, at okccrimetips.com.

Oklahoma City Crime Stoppersoffers a reward of up to $1,000 for any leads that could help arrest or file charges in felony cases.

While fairly rare, incidents of cruelty involving dogs being deliberately drowned have been reported in the past.

A woman in Florida was charged after drowning her pet chihuahua in a swimming pool and later live-streaming images of the dead dog's decomposing body.

Four months earlier, a man in Indiana faced similar felony charges, accused of drowning two rescue puppies he had adopted from an animal shelter in a bathtub.

In July 2021, police in British Columbia, Canada, discovered that a dog had been tied to an anchor and left to drown in a local lake, describing the incident as ‘an overt act of animal cruelty.’

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Sources used:

- Newsweek: 'Police 'Infuriated' as Dogs Being Tied Up, Thrown in Pond to Drown'

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