Coronavirus: Russia Has Reportedly Found the World’s First Vaccine

Real or fake news? Russian's Deputy Defence Minister just announced that the country has made a breakthrough in the development of the vaccine against COVID-19.

Coronavirus: Russia Has Reportedly Found the World’s First Vaccine
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Coronavirus: Russia Has Reportedly Found the World’s First Vaccine

Could the vaccine against COVID-19 finally be here? Allegedly, Russia may have won the race in the development of one.

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In Russia, Deputy Defence Minister Ruslan Tsalikova said that scientists have discovered an effective vaccine against coronavirus. This discovery was made possible thanks to Russian military virologists assisted by the Gamalaya Centre for Epidemiology and Microbiology. According to Tsalikov in an interview with Russian newspaper Argoumenty i Fakty:

Our specialists and researchers at the Gamalaya Centre have drawn the final conclusions from the test results. All of our volunteers without exception who had built up immunity to the coronavirus were doing well by the time they left the hospital.

Elena Smolyachuk, Director of the Centre for the Clinical Study of Medicines at the Setchenov University, stated that all participants testing positive for the virus came out in good health. They may have even come out of the trials with immunity against the disease. According to a press release:

No side effects, complications or adverse reactions, no health complaints from volunteers were noted at the time of discharge.

For the time being, no official announcement has been made by the Head of State. If these revelations turn out to be true, we will soon be able to return to a more normal life thanks to the coronavirus vaccine.

While we may soon have a vaccine at our disposal, it's crucial to continue on with the sanitary regulations put into place by the government. Wear a mask, keep your distance when possible, and don't go outside if you notice you've started exhibiting symptoms.

Check out the video above for more details.

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