This abandoned puppy was too heartbroken to move and eat

A puppy tied to a fire hydrant and dumped by its owner was discovered in such a traumatised state that it refused to lift its head and eat. But the rescuers were determined to show the poor pooch that not all humans were evil.

This abandoned puppy was too heartbroken to move and eat
© Photo by Creative Vix on
This abandoned puppy was too heartbroken to move and eat

When the founder of Logan’s Legacy dog rescue Suzette Hall heard about a puppy dumped by a fire hydrant in a Southern California community, she knew she had to act quick. She sent help but it appeared that the little pooch lost its trust in humans and wanted nothing to do with them.

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‘The poor dog was all tied up’

Suzette Hall had recently saved a handful of dogs in California, and when she heard about a puppy abandoned by the fire hydrant, she was heartbroken but, unfortunately, not surprised.

Hall wanted to rescue the dog herself, but she couldn’t get to the site fast enough. So, she reached out to someone in the neighbourhood for immediate help.

Another rescuer dashed to the place and was confronted by a devastating scene. The little pooch tethered to the hydrant.

Although its previous owners left behind a container of food and water, the dog hadn’t touched them. Instead, she stayed curled up in a tight ball, from which she rarely unfurled.

Hall explained:

The poor dog was all tied up.

💗💖💗💖 We have named her Cici This is the sweet baby who had been abandoned for two nights at the fire hydrant She is...

Posted by Suzette Hall on Wednesday, March 29, 2023

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Distrustful of humans, the pooch growled at the attempt of the rescue. But with love and care and Hall’s guidance, the animal gave in and let the woman wrap her into a soft blanket and cradle her for a moment before placing her in the car.

‘She finally started perking up’

The pooch was rushed to the vet but sadly, its health started to decline on the way there.

Hall said:

She got so sick in the car. We think it was from fear and lack of food and water since she was too scared to eat the food they’d left.

Luckily, the puppy, later found to be just 8 months old and named Cici, got to Camino Pet Hospital just in time. After some fluids and a ton of much-needed love, she started to feel a lot better.

Hall explained:

They monitored her, and then, all of a sudden, she was fine. She finally started perking up.

Cici made a lot of new friends at the hospital and was recently cleared for foster care.

Hall can’t wait to find the perfect family for the pooch.

To inquire about adopting Cici, reach out to Suzette Hall on Facebook. To help pups like Cici get the help they need, make a donation to Camino Pet Hospital under Logan's Legacy 29.

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Sources used:

- The Dodo: 'Puppy Left Tied To Fire Hydrant Was Too Sad To Even Lift Her Head'

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