How To Choose The Right Henna For Your Hair

Want a natural and less aggressive way to colour your hair? Ohmymag brings you a complete guide on henna that will make you want to take the plunge!

How To Choose The Right Henna For Your Hair
How To Choose The Right Henna For Your Hair

How To Choose The Right Henna For Your Hair

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1. Choose good quality henna: Although this advice may seem simple, there is nothing more harmful to your hair than choosing a poor quality product. To be sure of buying a suitable product, make sure that you know exactly what it is made from: it must be 100% natural and must not contain any metal salts. You can easily spot them under the name sodium picramate: if you see this then run a mile!

2. Where to buy your henna: Even if supermarkets offer an increasingly broader range of henna, it is better to go to a store specialising in natural products to be sure you don't go wrong. You will find the 100% natural composition henna at organic stores, pharmacies or on websites specialised in natural products.

3. Which colour should you choose: It's good to know that henna is a product that will restore radiance and strength to dull, tired hair. Neutral henna (which does not add colour) is ideal for treating hair regardless of its basic colour. Copper, red, honey ... More than just a colour, henna is particularly useful to bring out the natural highlights of hair and intensify the depth of the base colour.

4. Mixing the henna: If you can't find the ideal henna colour then you can mix different powders of henna together to obtain the best shade. That being said, you should ask a professional to help you create the perfect mixture.

5. How is henna used: It has to be said, henna has a rather peculiar smell (close to cooked spinach) when diluted in hot water. But it will always be less aggressive than the chemical smell of industrial dyes. The ideal texture of henna is liquid but not too much: you have to get a consistency of dough that will spread and attach to the hair. In addition, if your hair is extremely dry then you can dilute it with a tablespoon of olive oil for a good dose of hydration.

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