After being assaulted by a man on the subway one woman recorded her confrontation

A young woman named Michelle Álvarez was sexually harassed on public transportation in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico. The very brave young lady recorded the incident.

After being assaulted by a man on the subway one woman recorded her confrontation
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After being assaulted by a man on the subway one woman recorded her confrontation

Sexual assault in public spaces

A lot of women have experienced sexual harassment or sexual assault. When they're out dancing, for example, many women have been subjected to unwanted sexual touching. As in many other settings, the attacker takes advantage of how crowded the place is to fondle women.

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The problem is that many women don't report it or even talk about it, or if they do, they only tell their friends. As a result, perpetrators get away with it and repeat the misconduct.

Taking matters into her own hands

Michelle got off the subway and, shortly after she started walking, she felt someone grab her butt. When she turned around, she saw the face of the person who had touched her without her permission. She tweeted:

He didn't just brush past me and it wasn't an accident.

Michelle Álvarez had the courage to film the encounter, including what she said to the boy who had touched her:

I'm sick and tired of people like you. You're sleazy and rude, I'm fed up with boys like you.

The girl recorded the encounter and the groper's face to show the world who he was. Acts of bravery like this young lady's in Monterrey are a lesson we should all learn from. Check out the video to find out what happened to the groper.

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