The Queen's assistant, who clashed with Prince Harry, is publishing a revealing book about the monarch

The Queen takes on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle by approving a book that tells her lockdown secrets, written by an author who got yelled at once by Prince Harry.

The Queen approved this book written by an Author Harry yelled at
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The Queen approved this book written by an Author Harry yelled at

In a new move from the Royal Family, the Queen has approved a book written by Royal dresser Angela Kelly that will reveal a tell-all tale of the Queen’s lockdown secrets and Prince Philip’s funeral. Reportedly, Angela was yelled at by Harry ahead of his wedding to the Duchess of Sussex in 2018. As such, this approval is believed to be a passive-aggressive move by the royals.

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The royal rumble

Angela Kelly has worked for the Queen for 28 years and was a part of her lockdown journey with her at Windsor Castle. Although she is a royal dresser and her formal title is Personal Advisor to Her Majesty (The Queen’s Wardrobe), she is also known to be the monarch’s closest confidante. According to The Sun, Angela tried to help Meghan Markle pick a tiara for her big day in 2018 and was instead gotten yelled at by Prince Harry.

According to royal sources, Meghan wanted a tiara with emeralds on it but got something different. It is at this point that Prince Harry yelled at Angela and told her:

What Meghan wants; Meghan gets.

Insiders claim that there was an extremely heated exchange that happened between the two, which also prompted Her Majesty to speak to Harry and set him straight. He was eventually told that Meghan cannot get everything that she wants and would only get the tiara that the Queen gives her.

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The other side of the coin

Angela is now set to release a new chapter from her book The Other Side of the Coin. The release will take place next month on the occasion of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, published by HarperCollins. The publisher confirmed:

The Queen personally gave Angela her blessing to share their unparalleled bond with the world and Angela is the first serving member of the Royal Household to be given this extraordinary permission.

HarperNonFiction publishing director Katya Shipster added:

We wanted to commemorate the extraordinary occasion of The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with this beautiful new edition, as well as bring the content of the book right up to date following the unprecedented events of the past two years.
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