Manifesting: Can you really think your way to a better life?

This has recently gained social media popularity, with many attesting to the power of thinking desires into being.

Manifesting: Can you really think your way to a better life?
© Getty/ Constantine Johnny
Manifesting: Can you really think your way to a better life?

The law of attraction - that positive things happen in your life when you think positive thoughts - is not a new concept. It has gained more traction in recent years under what we might call a new brand known as manifesting. Celebrities like Oprah, Deepak Chopra and Gabrielle Bernstein have attested to the potency of thinking things into being.

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TikTok is awash with people giving testaments of receiving or experiencing things that they manifested. From relationships, jobs, money, vacations, hundreds of thousands of people claim to be living their dreams just by thinking them into being.

Prior to its recent popularity, the idea of effecting positive change through thought was captured in a 2006 book, The Secret, which has since sold over 30 million copies worldwide. In a 2015 interview with LinkedIn CEO, Oprah Winfrey credited much of her success to the power of thoughts.

You control a lot by your thoughts, and we control a lot by our joined what I [and we] believe. When I started to figure that out for myself, I became careful of what I think and what I ask for
Getty/ pixelfit

There’s more to it

If it were as easy as thinking positive thoughts, there wouldn’t be poverty, sickness and other devastating issues in the world. Proponents of this idea say it requires that you take steps toward whatever it is you desire. It’s not about spending your time daydreaming about that new job, or relationship. If you don’t search for a new job and put in applications, the chances of getting an offer are quite low.

According to Gabrielle Bernstein, author of Super Attractor and The Universe Has Your Back,

Manifesting is also known as co-creating because it’s a collaboration between you and the Universe.

So it is far from magic as some may accounts of ‘manifesters’ will have you believe; you need to put in the work as well.

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