How To Organise The Seating At Your Wedding

Organising the seating arrangement for your wedding has got to be one of the most stressful tasks on the to-do list. Ohmymag will give you 5 helpful tips so that you'll have it done in no time! Read below to learn more!

How To Organise The Seating At Your Wedding
How To Organise The Seating At Your Wedding

How To Organise The Seating At Your Wedding

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1. Take your time: A seating plan can't be put together the night before the wedding. Make sure that it is finalised at least a week before the big day. That's the best way of taking into account those who can't make it and also those last minute guests. Of course, there will be some changes to make but at least the hard part will be over.

The first thing to do when organising a successful seating arrangement is knowing how many guests you're going to have. Make sure you get your guests to RSVP whether they're coming or not. This avoids counting people who won't be there. Once you've finalised your table plan keep it a secret until the big day.

2. Start by organising the head table: The head table seats the married couple and their loved ones. It should include their parents, close friends and their partners. The table is usually placed in the middle of the room so that you can be close to your guests. What about if your parents are divorced and don't get on well? Think about putting them on different tables and surround them with their family and friends.

3. Appoint someone to organise certain tables: If you don't know where to seat certain guests let your parents and future parents-in-law to organise some tables. They would be delighted to be involved in the wedding preparations. By limiting them to one particular task you will avoid them putting their oar in everything you do. Your future husband can also help you with this planning process and don't forget to take past family quarrels into consideration. Also know that your table plan hasn't got the power to patch things up between enemies. Try and avoid putting people together that you can't picture on the same table.

4: Find good combinations: The aim of a seating arrangement is to allow your guests to have fun. Don't hesitate to mix your family with friends. Above all, try and seat your guests with other people who have the same hobbies and interests.

Everyone will appreciate being put on a table with familiar faces. Likewise, resist the temptation to have a singles table. This choice can be embarrassing for your friends, who might get the impression that you're trying to do some match-making. Also, don't put that single cousin on a table with couples. Shy people should be seated close to more extroverted guests. In short, go with your gut!

5. Organise like a pro: Make a card for each table, then write the name of each guest on a different post-it note. Re-arrange the post-its so you've got the correct number on each table, one it's done take a picture and put it into an Excel document. There are also apps that can help with organising seating arrangements which are very helpful and could be a life saver.

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