How To Celebrate Your 2 Year Wedding Anniversary

It seems like just yesterday you were at your wedding ceremony, and yet today you are about to celebrate your second wedding anniversary - the cotton anniversary. We bring you all the hints and tips you need to make this date a celebration to remember.

How To Celebrate Your 2 Year Wedding Anniversary
How To Celebrate Your 2 Year Wedding Anniversary

How To Celebrate Your 2 Year Wedding Anniversary

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1. 2 years of marriage: Two beautiful years of shared happiness unite you and it's time to celebrate your wedding anniversary. Cotton is the traditional gift to celebrate your two year anniversary. Over your two years of marriage, you and your partner have built on your relationship and adapted to each other. You just have to nourish and maintain your union so that it lasts even longer.

2. How to celebrate: After two years of marriage, how do you want to celebrate your love? You can talk about it between you beforehand or you can plan something in secret if your partner likes surprises. A meal out at a romantic little restaurant is always sure to go down well. Or how about a sensual weekend away from everything, nestled at the top of a tree, sheltered in a hut, with only the singing birds for neighbours? Who says you can only have one honeymoon!? If you want to celebrate with friends, invite them for drinks in a nice place or at home with some music. Take the opportunity to make a slideshow of the best shots from your wedding.

3. Gift ideas for your 2 year anniversary: There are so many types of cotton gifts you can choose from. For example, try a new comforter set, new matching towels, or a nice warm blanket that you can use to cuddle with during a cold spell.

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