24 Easy-to-Make Canned Tomato Recipes

Check out our best recipes to clear out your pantry!

24 Easy-to-make canned tomato recipes
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24 Easy-to-make canned tomato recipes

Not sure what to cook tonight? Take a look inside your pantry and find that can of tomatoes that's been lying around for months. Whether they're peeled or diced tomatoes, we're not always sure what to do with them, but they are they're the main ingredient for many recipes!

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Turn your canned tomatoes into something delicious in minutes

To transform your canned tomatoes into a delicious homemade sauce, simply brown a few minced onions in olive oil, add the canned tomatoes, a teaspoon of sugar and 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar. Simmer over low heat for ten minutes, mix everything, and you'll get a very tasty tomato sauce in no time. You can also use this base to make homemade ketchup.

Our favourite canned tomato recipes

Use your sauce or canned tomatoes directly in gourmet recipes. As a base for pasta, lasagna, casseroles like curry or well-cooked Mexican recipes... canned tomatoes are a lot more versatile than you think.

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