This model covered up her face for 12 years to hide her condition

12 years after she was diagnosed with vitiligo, Breanne Rice finally decided to accept her face as it is and prove that you can look different and still be perfectly happy with yourself.

This model covered up her face for 12 years to hide her condition
© Instagram
This model covered up her face for 12 years to hide her condition

At the age of 31, Breanna Rice, a former modelturned nutritionist, has finally decided to adopt a more natural look, or rather, accept her skin as it is. Because she suffers from vitiligo, her face and body are covered in patches where her skin has lost its pigment.

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Breanne Rice was diagnosed at the age of 19 and afterwards condemned herself to always hide her true face with makeup. Foundation, concealer, powder… In order to cover up her vitiligomarks, Breanne spent hours every morning in the bathroom before setting foot out the house.

12 years later, she finally accepts her vitiligo

Just like model Winnie Harlow who has even modelled for Victoria's Secret, Breanne Rice has decided she isn’t going to hide away anymore. She wants to spread messages of support to women around the world on her Instagram account who also suffer from vitiligo.

On her account, she talks about the development of this condition that used to make her so unhappy and how long it took her to dare look at herself and her naked face in the mirror without bursting into tears. For her, vitiligo made her feel like her own body had turned on her.

Today, she doesn’t feel ashamed about her condition anymore and shows her face that, although still bears the marks, hasn’t lost any of its charm or beauty.

Take a look at the video above to see Breanne's body positivity in action!

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