This Man is too Scared to Take a Bath Because of This Unusual Physical Detail...

Luu Cong Huyen, a 58-year-old man from Yen Giao in Vietnam's Nam Dinh province, has not cut his nails in three decades. proud of his strange accomplishment the man is very careful not to destroy his efforts

Luu Cong Huyen
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Luu Cong Huyen

Luu Cong Huyen, a 58-year-old man from Yen Giao in Vietnam's Nam Dinh province, has been growing his nailsfor more than three and a half decades. He is very careful with his hands and avoids any activity that could cause an accident. He claims:

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Some people like raising birds, planting trees or collecting old vehicles... I just like having long nails; letting nails grow is harder than it seems. I have to be very careful in all of my movements to keep my nails in good shape.

A complicated hobby because hisnails - the longest is about 55 cm - are very fragile. He has to avoid shocks and especiallymoisture, which makes them brittle. What's more, he rarely takes baths and the few times he does, he has to ask his wife, Nguyen Thi Thuan for help, who also sometimes feeds him with a spoon. Luu puts his hands in plastic bags when he goes out in order to protect his nails from the rain. He has to be very careful in every activity, even to put on a t-shirt.

Luu has, in the past, broken one of his nails, which devastated him. He said he would rather die than break a second one.

While taking a selfie, this man captures something tragic While taking a selfie, this man captures something tragic