Hippo attacks 2-year-old boy and spits him out alive

The boy who has since made a full recovery, was rescued by a bystander.

Hippo attacks 2-year-old boy and spits him out alive
© Getty/ Paul Souders
Hippo attacks 2-year-old boy and spits him out alive

A two-year-old boy in Uganda has miraculously survived an attack by hippopotamus. The beastly mammal had the little boy’s head and upper body in its mouth when a brave bystander moved to rescue him, police said. The boy has since made full recovery.

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Hippo attack

The incident occurred on December 04 around 3 pm when the boy, Iga Paul, was playing in the compound of their home near a lake in the Kasese district in western Uganda. The area boasts of several national parks and game reserves as well as a series of lakes and safari lodges.

A bystander, identified as Chrispas Bagonza came to the boy’s rescue. According to the Ugandan national police force:

This is the first such kind of incident where a hippo strayed out of Lake Edward and attacked a young child. It took the bravery of one Chrispas Bagonza, who was nearby, to save the victim after he stoned the hippo and scared it, causing it to release the victim from its mouth.

Iga was rushed to a local medical clinic for injuries sustained in the attack and was later moved to a hospital for additional treatment and a rabies vaccine.


Hippos are largely herbivorous, eating huge amounts of grass. But scientists have confirmed that they can also eat meat particularly if other food is scarce. Hippos also tend to attack other animals and humans if they feel threatened or disturbed. In fact, research suggests that they kill 500 people each year. According to Exclusive African Safaris website:

Their ability to tear apart most animals — including lions or crocodiles is why the hippo is actually the most dangerous wild animal in the African savannah.

Ugandan authorities are reminding people in the area to be mindful of wild animals, and to report any incursions into their neighbourhoods.

Sources used:

NPR: A hippo attacks a young boy, and then spits him out

Telegraph: Hungry hippo swallows toddler - then spits him out alive

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