The Benefits Of Using Royal Jelly

Heard of royal jelly and want to know more? Ohmymag has unearthed everything you need to know about royal jelly, a real miracle beauty product!

The Benefits Of Using Royal Jelly
The Benefits Of Using Royal Jelly

The Benefits Of Using Royal Jelly

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1. Properties: Antioxidant, anti-aging, sexual stimulant, source of vitality, booster of the immune system, royal jelly is a miraculous natural product to give a boost to tired bodies. Like honey, royal jelly is produced by worker bees: its primary use is to exclusively feed the queen since birth (which gives her a ten-fold increase in lifespan), but also to provide a nourishing bath to the larvae in their first days of life. Extremely rich in nutrients of the highest quality, it contains proteins, sugar, all the vitamins of group B, amino acids and is an excellent source of minerals including calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium.

2. Uses: To be used as a dietary supplement, royal jelly is an excellent way to help regulate stress or help concentration - ideal for students during exams. By acting as an immune system booster, it is particularly recommended for people recovering from illlness to help increase their immune defenses. From colds to flu, royal jelly helps many symptoms subside faster. Also ideal for stimulating energy, it can be used by sportsmen. Royal jelly helps to reduce nervous tension and stimulate dopamine and serotonin production, which can boost your mood and help you sleep better. Finally, royal jelly can help tighten tissue, thus acting as a natural anti-aging product because it protects cells from premature aging. It can help you get softer and more hydrated skin and healthier-looking hair and nails.

3. Cost: In the past, royal jelly, produced exclusively to feed the queen and the larvae, was reserved for the rich because it was an extremely rare nutrient. But now, researchers have managed to develop hives with increased jelly production to harvest and sell to individuals at more attractive prices. Royal jelly in capsules is the most affordable but perhaps the least effective: costing around £35 for a course of 2 months. In pure jelly, plan a budget of £15 on average for a course of 10 days. Read labels carefully to find the purest royal jelly possible.

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