These are 20 sexist behaviours in your relationship that you should no longer allow

Micro-aggressions within a couple can be hard to realize, but they can be very damaging to your relationship. Here's how.

These are 20 sexist behaviours in your relationship that you should no longer allow
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These are 20 sexist behaviours in your relationship that you should no longer allow

Sexism can take many forms. Of course, the image of the man who thinks himself superior to the woman comes to mind, quite explicitly. However, in a loving relationship, it can be much more subtle. Such behaviour can be a source of conflict in the long term.

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What are micro-aggressions in couples?

Micro-aggressions are hardly noticeable and can be the source of great tension in your relationship. But what are they? They take the form of frequent, if not daily, psychological abuse. In concrete terms, it takes the form of humour, particularly jokes. Within a couple, it's very hard to identify.

These behaviours, which may pass for thoughtful gestures, unfortunately feed machismo. While certain attitudes may seem normal, because they're ingrained in our society, they're actually harmful. It feeds sexism and inequality between men and women, as demonstrated by the recent report from the French High Council for Equality between Women and Men (HCE).

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Sexist attitudes that can harm a couple

If, according to the HCE study, 'ordinary' sexism is not diminishing in society, this is also the case in our own private lives. Nearly half the women surveyed (49%) say they have already been victims of sexism in the home. It is also said that only 37% of men consider it problematic for a woman to cook for the whole family every day.

Admittedly, society has seen some progress in terms of sexism and women's rights, but a certain stagnation in thinking is worrying. Change is also needed within the couple, where sexism is also prevalent.

Discover all the hidden sexism in your relationship by looking at the gallery!

Read more:There Is Still More To Do In Order To Elevate The Image Of Women In Advertising

This article has been translated from Oh!MyMag FR.

Source used :

High Council for Equality between Women and Men

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